Maybe he pines for the sappier days when a man dressed as a tree would be the talk of the town for days — nay, years.
Maybe he pines for the sappier days when a man dressed as a tree would be the talk of the town for days — nay, years.
He should’ve twigged on to a better way to get his message across.
I love the broken glass ceiling broach so much. ;~~;
mewling mayoboy
And my cracked screen will beautifully compliment this skin! Amazing.
That is horrific. That poor family.
His chin retreated into his face in protest of all the bullshit he spews.
Those nieces and nephews sure are Trump-like in their raw, unpolished greed!
I don’t think a goatee is enough. He needs a full beard to cover his concave chin.
I want to believe Chris, Elsa and their burrito babies are extremely happy together.
The blue part is the land! Right?
Aw, but what if they really, really, genuinely and not at all in a deceptive way wanted to see American democracy in action? What if all the hacking, all the the animus, the snide remaks — were Russia’s way of getting America’s attention again?
Jessen identifies herself as an “abortion survivor”
Lady, it’s way, way, way too late for that. Women are going to be looking at the dress aisle at Ross Dress For Less, pull out what turns out to be an Ivanka Trump dress, feel like they’ve licked battery acid, and move on — for years to come!
It’s a pretty good use of Listeria-tainted PB though.
Couldn’t wait until this new hit Jez. (Hope you also do the man who died to avoid watching the debates — which, tbh, same.)
Ahhhhhhh, yeah. I’ll never really think of the Grand Canyon the same way again.
Ooh, what’s her name, boo? I’m sold.
I would love to know the thought process behind that lady-to-Smokey transformation.
Ted Cruz is the only real choice for Gollum.