
I use this technique as well. I've found it works better when I have someone else hold a cup of water to my mouth and pour it in so I have less control over how quickly I have to swallow. They go away immediately. When I have to use a straw, it usually takes a few times — but it still works! :)

1) Grab a glass of water & straw 2) Put straw in glass of water 3) Put fingers in ears to plug them 4) Chug water through straw. Kinda goes with the hold your breath + drink a lot of for me every time.

Rob Ford’s Darryl Strawberry impression was much more spot-on.

“It’s outrageous that this extremist is being treated like a legitimate advocate by the Washington Post, and it’s especially appalling that the Post felt no need to balance his demonization of medical providers. Doctors who provide abortion services are compassionate, highly skilled, and committed to women’s health

Sports talk down here in Dallas is dominated with “What did the mob mentality of that stadium do to affect the outcome of the game?”

As a Rangers fan, I’m disappointed by these takes because, frankly, we were 8 1/2 games back at the beginning of August, and we took a much better team to five games in the ALDS. We were

I think he should get the bat kid to bring him a second bat at home plate that he can flip a second time once he crosses home. I mean, he’s Joey Bats, not Joey Bat.

If you don’t want to be shown up do your job, get the out. Bautista won this battle so he can celebrate however he sees fit.

40 HR and a .913 OPS is a circus act?

Also in this case Deadspin isn’t being contrarian at all, 99% of the human population enjoyed that bat flip/home run/celebration. The other 1% being Rangers fans/players, grumpy 80 year old sports writers and a few burner kinja accounts.

Now playing

That’s right, this one has somehow been bumped down to #1a in the Bautista awesome moments list for the year.

Kids like this kid:

Dyson should be more worried about setting a example for you kids who want to be pitchers.

“We will get you out 75% of the time if you’re GOOD. We will jump and scream on the mound and stomp back to the dugout if we ring you up in a key situation, or whenever we want, really. But, if you are happy about one of the best moments of your life, we will throw a ball at potentially fatal speeds at your head,

Damnit Rangers! Be better than this! Tonight, all Ranger’s fans are sad, but it’s going to be alright! We weren’t even supposed to win half our games this year and we won the damn Pennant! Be happy for that!

I will always champion those who break the unwritten rules of baseball, because the unwritten rules of baseball are all, 100%, yes even your favorite one, fucking stupid.

I really HATE this unwritten rule that if you flip your bat after a homerun it’s considered “disrespectful”, and yet it’s perfectly ok when a pitchers screams and cheers after a strikeout.

Let’s watch it again!

I want to share this on Facebook and unfriend everyone that says anything bad about it. The Bautista Bat Flip is way better than any political litmus test. If you hate this, I probably hate you.