
So, while my default setting is snark,

Plus no one with THIS FACE has the right to go after anyone else’s face. Having a shapeFULL colorless face of a blank avatar isn’t better . I get that your face is all triangles and sharp edges but it’s not improvement.

The movie was really quite bad. But nothing in it was as awful as this prose:

Is Garden State a great film? No. But it’s not a bad one either. The soundtrack was great, though (Disclosure: A friend of mine has a song on the soundtrack so I may not be impartial).

we get it, you're very cool

Counterpoint. Go Fuck Yourself.

Holy shit. That response was spot on, professional, strong. Those girls kick ass.

That’s pretty gross. “Honest mistake”? I think not - this is how some men think of girls in this age bracket, especially in the entertainment industry, and it really needs to change. Good for these young ladies for standing up against this.

I love Pats fans. Their arguments are amazing.

#Peegate and #wankergate, actually, at least on Twitter. #Peegate’s gotten more traction, though, and the results have been very funny and sometimes damn clever.

I will apologize for nothing.

So Goodell wanted to get back at the Pats... by making himself look like he was in their pocket, abusing the powers of his office to protect them?

Did you read the article. In the case of The Eagles it was stating that The Pats appeared to have all the answers for a defense that The Eagles hadn’t deployed all year. I know it’s hard to read more than one paragraph but please try.

What does Deflategate have to do with Spygate's particulars and Goodell's coverup of it. Again, did you read the article or are you just arguing because "ILUV DA PATS!"

Taping another’s team signals was legal? So the Pats lost a draft pick and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines for doing something that was legal? Did you even read the article?

It was not legal,

Was stealing playsheets and rummaging hotel rooms for playbooks also allowed before 2007? I’m uncertain, enlighten me.

The butthurt Pats fans are out in force today! "There's nothing new in here!" "It was legal!" "ESPN are liars!"

Now playing

I’m disappointed that the Rick & Morty episode didn’t make the cut.