So in addition to the special Olympics, we need a Super Olympics?
So in addition to the special Olympics, we need a Super Olympics?
Shemus and Beaker being cousins was such a hilarious bit
agreed, I’m really feeling it!
There’s little tweaks to each one. like wolf’s forward special was aerial and hit downward, falco throws his shield forward and comes back instead of holding it. Enough variances to make play styles different, and usually the ‘clones’ differ with things like ground vs aerial or range
those laws are good ol jim crow laws that will stay on the books forever beacuse the police need something to say well this is what we’re arresting you for.
in fact, they probably think tipping is very odd, because in their country, server’s are paid a decent wage instead... which is standard for most of the world.
I want to know where she even got this idea, because I see news stories all the time about this failing, like the finger in Wendy’s chili.
I was a major fan of this game when it came out and I decided to try an etrian game after that. Decided I liked strange journey way more. yes it’s first person, but there’s not a lot of emphasis on the dungeon.
one time, my mom was planning a trip to DC and accidentally showed us Nobody got sued.
given that’s her character is also in a small rural city surrounded by farms, where there’s not really a lot of diversity and a lot of people losing jobs and whatnot, her character becoming a trump supporter is not really that out there.
the $60 price is mainly why once I beat a game, I sell it on ebay for like $30-$35 and use that money to buy the next game used, and why I’m not buying digital. Though now I don’t have much to show for it.
Firefox hasn’t been that stellar lately either. If microsoft added better plug-in support to Edge, it could really take back a decent market share.
it’s not a fad, it’s just normalized now. So there’s no buzz around it. Facebook is losing ‘engagement’ time and that’s fine and dandy, but it won’t fail in the way that myspace did.
and probably the fine can be reduced in appeals
Where is that tab I ordered?
I liked shinning force ‘s simple turn based system over Tactics Ogre. If you like Final Fantasy Tactics or Front Mission, you should play Shining Force at least once.
It’s a little easier since you have like 12 units in battle instead of the 5 of 6 that most tactical games have, but without the fire emblem…
I mean, in theory the cop is supposed to be ‘better’. Trained to know how to handle situations.
I’d have to pay 3 times the amount anywhere else to get a slice that’s better. At $2, it’s a gold mine to me.
but was never fully supported by Sony’s marketing side. It has good rpg’s, which is why I have one. But I don’t know anyone else that does.