


This is how last year's (ugly) Mclaren SHOULD have looked like.

Meet the STR9

I see your MP$-29 and raise you an F2012.

I dunno... I owned one for about three years, just sold it, only had 85k miles when I sold it (I only put 16k on it) and it had a BUNCH of things go wrong. Maybe I got a lemon :-\

This is probably the best 8-cyl engine you can buy at this price. But MAN is this car fussy to maintain... maybe it was just mine. I just sold my 540iAT. Really enjoyed driving it, really did not enjoy owning it. I got it right during the time the VANOS and cam actuator seals needed to be replaced, a bad oil pump, bad

50 degrees. #BestCoast

Third Petal. Win.

I thought we were done with these stupid altezza tail lights. I was wrong.

Floor mounted high beams!!!

Exactly what I think when I see them, too. I've got some running boards on my Explorer that actually have killed my breakover angle when I've been driving out in the hills. Almost snapped them off a few times.

Running Boards on trucks, because most people who buy huge fancy trucks are your old, stiff grandparents taking the Fifth-Wheel for a trek across the country.

All Jalops be like

The Honda Blob Fish

I drove by Boeing field on Sunday and I swear I saw the KC-46 parked there. Maybe I'm mistaken. I'm driving that direction again today, I'll take a look