The engine is being used as a fuel pump for a rocket. Sure, the rocket is strapped to a couple "wheels", but it's more of a missile on the ground than anything else.
You're doing this right. Perfect selections.
10/10 bonertastic.
The car is irrelevant, as long as it can if it can tow this bad boy:
I don't disagree with you. But it is completely irrelevant to my prior point.
I, too, own a BMW. I, too, do not consider myself a shithead. But many young drivers are more caught up in status and impressing their friends, much more than the mature drivers who appreciate their ride and dont give a damn what others think. EVERY (I repeat, every) kid that drove a Bimmer in my high school was a…
Yes! All very good times, I've been both those places and I agree with everything you said. :) I'm also going to hit up the air museum in McMinnville that houses the Spruce Goose on our way out of town. Epic trip.
I'm going to the Tilamook Cheese Factory next week!