My '93 Explorer!!! The first gen was a genuine SUV, not this crossover BS. It is built on a truck frame (Ranger is still a truck, people), can haul my friends, a bunch of stuff in the back, a canoe on top, AND it's decently offroad capable for 99% of what normal people do. It's not frilly, it's not fancy, it's slow,…
So Trailblazer.
Ha! Thanks. I do love shooting film though, I've got a couple film scans of my Explorer somewhere, I'll try to dig them out. My favorite is using Fujifilm Sensia 100 or 200... I send it to a photo lab in California to get processed and scanned though, hard to find good photo processing these days.
So funny, I saw an M5 parked almost EXACTLY like this last week near my work. So bonkers. I finally realized I parked similar to this a few times... that's when I knew the Bimmer had to go.
Yeah! That's mine, up a big hill (or small mountain, depending on your interpretation) in Wenatchee, WA.