
"The only movie that anyone's been able to talk about this week is Interstellar"

Taxes are Revenues, don't let those Farce News outlets fool you into thinking Fees are better. The difference is that Corporations pay Taxes and you pay them Fees. You take away taxes and then you have no Public services, corporations take over, and then all you have is fees, and then you have no rights since it is no

Your analogy sucks period. Private companies make huge profits on fees, it is their job to provide those services in exchange of those fees, it is the Government's (the people's) job to protect YOU from these GIANTS and their practices to restrict and control something that was created by YOUR TAX DOLLARS, they DO NOT

I wouldn't pay attention to any of those long posts in favor of the ISP's. Controlling internet speed is like controlling the air you breathe. Internet is an intangible asset and should not be regulated based on flow. Do not let those complaining about taxes fool you either, taxes are good for the economy and the Big

"look at literally every other public utility ever and say 'yeah, I want the internet to be run just like that'."

that is a remarkably naïve and reactionary take on this.

The quote is "with FLAPjacks and hookers". ;-)

I had Vendor access to HD's systems for most of the beginning of this year. The password never changed and apparently had been in use for years. Lucky me, I used one of my cards practically very time I was in a store and it was compromised in the breach.

The show was great, though it was network fuckery that made the last season meh (ie losing voice actors). So they both dealt the final blow and then killed it. Up until then though, I'd put Futurama over anything, no other adult cartoon has been able to pull at my emotions like that.

Was Futurama that bad or not watched so they had to cancel it? I really liked that show.

Chili Klaus, Danish Chili Pepper enthusiast and most appropriate named person ever.

The "Great Filter" is just trying to sound fatalistic and cool. That appeals to some people. I don't buy it, though.

There are over 200 billion galaxies that we planet-bound primates have observed so far.

No. First off, because that would be terribly unscientific - we don't know enough to make that decision. To "accept that we are alone" would mean to refuse to explore millions of possibilities for intelligent life.

Why is it assumed: a) interstellar travel of the sort necessary for beings galaxies away to colonize space or reach us is possible and sustainable, b) that sentient beings can ever be expected to reach this level of technological and social change without first being destroyed or having their civilization collapse?