
There may not even be a purple transition. Texas, Georgia, Arizona, Florida, Virginia (already mostly there), and North Carolina will all be solidly blue at the national level by 2040. The shitstain G.O.P. will never control another senate, house (probably), or presidency ever again after that. On some level they know

You mean engaging in voter disenfranchisement, cheating, ballot irregularities, and anything else they can think of and still only barely winning after an lengthy battles where the courts sometimes just hand them the victory, just because.

Answer: All of them. Every single one. Gabbard, Williamson, Yang...the lot of them. The Great Orange Dumpster Fire is going down...hard.  The Democratic Party could run Clinton again...he’d still lose by 100 electoral votes.

LOL can’t wait to see how hysterically unhinged your are after Trump goes down in flames in 2020.  Oh, and the kid gloves will be off for four years after that.  Everything you shitstains did and cheerleaded during the previous 4 years will be undone.   My advice is to buy stock in Kleenex because you garbage cunts

“People like you overusing centrist are just as annoying as Republicans who overuse socialist. You clearly have no idea what the word means; it’s just a knee-jerk reaction to throw it out there against someone with whom you disagree.” 

Oh I know, mouth-breathing morons and dipshits really don’t like me, it’s not surprising at all why”

We just need to start extra-judicially eradicating Republican politicians. Seriously.

They need to be tarred, feathered, and torn limb from limb in the public square.  Of course, nothing of the sort will happen to them or the other viles lizards that run or own large companies...yet.  It’s coming.

Fix your garbage fucking website.  Nothing works since another latest and greatest upgrade.  Buttons do nothing or disappear when clicking on them for one glaring example. 

No, it’s not a mystery. The “centrist”, neo-liberal, corporatist shill, U.S. empire building wing of the Democratic party would rather eat glass than have Sanders be the nominee. Warren they could just barely tolerate since they believe they can probably steamroll her into “business as usual” once she is elected. But

I am pretty sure they don’t know how grifting works either. It’s imitative. That would be like saying parrot or cockatooknows” how to talk.

I’ll take “What happens when an unhinged Trumpanzee starts writing for television” for $1000, Alex.

Here’s hoping that you and any fucktrash you may have fathered die in a horrible accident.  

Seems like what she needs to to be on the wrong end of a real-life SAW movie.

I would argue that what you are describing happened in the 1930s. In the 50s and 60s business cut the workers in because much of it had been mandated by things that happened during Roosevelts adminstrations, but also because there was a pro-labor old guard of legislators (mostly Democrats) who worked tirelessly behind

Louis Turco is a piece of shit.  Hey, Louis!  The stress of your job must be terrible.  You know what would make all that stress go away? *Cli-click, boom!*


I think they don’t want to rattle cages because it will upset their wheelbarrow full of corporate cash.