
That judge would like everyone to know that there were people that were very fine people on both sides.”


If my 50+ years have taught me anything it’s that it can and will always get much worse than whatever the current low is. Remember when we all couldn’t imagine a president worse than Bush Jr.

No moron, what would be a bad look is if the campaign fired all the field workers and brought in scabs, or refused to negotiate, or said no to any requests made by the union. Simply, that the union is bringing it’s concerns to the employer to be addressed and the employer makes a good faith effort to do so, is the

It’s only working because of a complicit media.

It’s Y’all Qaeda.  Get it right.

Interesting.  I hear Malcolm McDowell a la Clockwork Orange

LOL. 20%! Just, no.  Maybe 2% and that’s still really pushing it.

Never did a more deserving animal die of brain cancer.


Ha ha, stupid right-wing shitstain parrots the fake news given to him by his handlers.  New at 11.

I’m not in favor of repealing the 2A and banning all guns either, unless (and it’s a big unless, but I would go along with it if it’s what people wanted) guns are banned for everyone, everywhere, and can’t be collected, manufactured, or stored anywhere in the U.S. That means no law enforcement (at any level) has them

To be fair, if we could somehow go back in time to 1978-1979 and everything was exactly the same as it was except (somehow) the G.O.P. was as far right as it is today, then Reagan would simply adjust his politics to whatever he needed to in order to win as a Republican. Reagan was a fake, a fraud, an actor simply

I am not even sure the support for gun control, medicare, or defense spending reduction is that tepid at all. If you present those concepts to voters stripped of all the loaded and politicized language and buzzwords that Faux News and hate radio have brainwashed the remedial right-wing into identifying as “libtard”

If we’re really lucky it will take down every politician in D.C.

You just know that he availed himself of Epstein’s services many times and he is close to shitting himself.