
More likely Warren/Harris. Let the youngster spend 8 years in Washington first. Also give her time to explain (and make some amends for) her terrible record/takes as a prosecutor.

She’s a shallow, dull-witted misandrist.  Don’t engage.  Dismiss.

That’s right.  If someone raises a salient point, don’t refute it, mock it and post a cartoon.

Mendoza LinePangaean vs King Fedorah & Pitchforkbot in “Centrist-palooza”

To be fair, everyone is overprepared for any interaction with the Orange Biglypotamus

Looks a lot like COINTELRPO 2019 to me.

LOL. You are a hate apologist.

1. Not a journalist, a hate-peddling charlatan.

Don’t start none, won’t be none.

See! Anti-fascists are the true fascists!”

Given the age and senescence of the orange milt that spawned him I am pretty sure you will be proven correct.

You are only correct on a technicality in that Chelsea Clinton rode on mommy and daddy’s coat tails, not just mommy’s.

Considering who we are talking about, “Fuck Trash” might be a better moniker.

Again, save the identity politics white-knighting for somebody who deserves it. You are literally wasting your breath on someone (Ivanka) who looks down on everything you are.


This “disingenuous crap” is blatant and ugly identity politics blinders. If you spend enough time on Splinter or Jezebel you will see that DumbfuckityPants will prop up absolutely heinous females and savage males who are allies, based on nothing more than their biological equipment. It’s very sad and very transparent.

Andrew Yang doesn’t count. On Splinter and Jezebel only the women count because misogyny.

LOL.  Not a chance.

If, by better, you mean “fucking tire fire”, then, sure.

Mental Illness.  You’ve got it.