Other than Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo it all looks like complete garbage. Eff Bethseda, and especially eff that lying piece of shit Todd Martin.
Other than Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo it all looks like complete garbage. Eff Bethseda, and especially eff that lying piece of shit Todd Martin.
Yeah, go ahead and leave the real gaming platform, right?
Yeah, go ahead and leave the real gaming platform, right?
OMG that video on the left. It really needs more shots and to not repeat for like 20 minutes for extra creepiness.
Jethro! Nooooooooooo!!!
The fact that this slur came from a fellow person of color, an Asian woman, rather than an white person made the insult all that more hurtful.
Does any beer worth drinking come in an aluminum can? If this put’s Anheiser-Busch, Miller-Coors, Pabst, and Yuengling out of business, that’s a good thing, right? :D
It’s amazing that it’s the same assholes shrieking (practically spitting) at us to not let “the perfect be the enemy of the good” when it comes to supporting their (always) center-right choice for the Democratic electee, who then throw so much shade at Bernie for not perfectly embodying the ideals of Socialism or even…
The Tao that can be spoken>Max Contrarian
It’s seems to be working pretty well. Even a sizeable portion of this (supposedly leftist) online community has been brainwashed and always carries water/makes excuses for the centrist, corporatist garbage du jour.
Mugatu 2020
You are so fucking broken. Sanders should petition the court for a restraining order against you. That’s how obsessed you are with him.
Concern trollTomato is very concerned that we won’t nominate the right candidate!
You’re wrong, my chucklefucking, orange-fellating rancorbot. You animus-gluttons have pushed the “center” of debate so far to the right over the last 30 years that surely 2/3 to 3/4 of the electorate is left of “center”now (e.g. left of Obama, Clinton, Biden, and any other dirty blue dogs)...
She lost, and so we all lost. Get over it.
Any white male candidate will beat Orange Hitler since Orange Hitler will lose the coveted misogyny vote in that case. There are huge numbers of hidden/hiding misogynists in this country who can’t stand Trump but who hate(d) the idea of a woman in the White House even more.
I say let him go and tell all the people he wronged “See, this is what you get when you are too stupid and head-assed to tell truth from fiction and reality from Faux News lies.”
It should actually be KFC buckets stitched together. You know, with all the greasestains soaked in the cardboard.
It’s funny that you think jealousy has anything to do with this. From your comments in this thread (and in your history), I can assure you there is no fucking way your jealousy fantasy applies here.
Derp! Nice dig. You know exactly what I mean and it has nothing to do being needing to be given something. Progressives have run in the presidential primaries plenty of times. A real one ran 3 years ago. His candidacy was scuttled by the DNC and Dem elites and by church-going black woman political machine in the South…