Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you for sharing your story.
Leon Trollsky, he has zero chance for reelection and that’s if he even runs.
Higher profile than AOC? Who are you referring to? Certainly not the governor or the mayor. Way more people know who she is than those two.
Meh. 3/10 trolling. You are trying to hard and it shows.
Cuomo probably knows that 9/11 was an inside job, so he isn’t counting that one as a tragedy.
Is that sweat running down your brow, Trumpanzee?
Come on now! You can’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Fuck this DINO, Rethug-Lite cunt, everyone who has ever voted for her, and fuck all of you L.O.T.E.r garbage fires that are the reason we have a choice between horrible and not-quite as horrible when we go to the polls.
Yes. They’re called Cubans and they constitute barely 2.5% of all U.S. Hispanics. One third of them all live in one state, Florida. I don’t think you have that much to worry about.
I’m sure she told herself that the browns and poors who would likely end up with that money didn’t deserve the handout.
LOL. The cognitive dissonance.
They should, unless things have changed since around 2006-2009. You will likely need a letter from the HR office of the fed/state agency saying that you were employed there. I had my payments count this way (after the fact) while I was a contractor for my state’s government.
I think it’s an outcrop of the self esteem generation...I think kids were taught to feel special all the time and that grew into “avoid pain”...couple that with digital communication and weakened social ties overall and you have a recipe for “I am going to do the easy thing”. I, equally, don’t want to be “man yells…
Let me start off by saying that I agree with your comments about safety, and I agree that ghosting is complete bullshit. But, then you go on to say:
Here is what mine says:
How about depleted uranium?
This. It’s coming. You wingnuts better start getting a class consciousness or pooling all your money to buy a walled fortress and a private army.
But, they (think they) stuck it to us libtards...that’s all that matters to them.
Woah, woah, there, Sparky...put down the crack pipe.
Agreed. A decade is nothing. I could see what the OP is predicting becoming true by the end of the century, but 10 years? No way.