
It won’t matter what you will have called us once you’re swinging from the wrong end of a rope.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs

LOL. It’s not the libs that are getting owned here. It’s the evangelitards, Nazis, white supremecists, and mouth-breathing wingnuts, in general.

Yep, the only problem is that we are even worse off with President Pence.

Let’s classify Twitter and Facebook as utilities and then nationalize them. If you currently have any financial stake in either of them, well, then, the American populace thanks you for your generous donation.


I’ll tell you what, you meet doewnskitty at a neutral location and “express” your internet tough guy act to his face, and then I will go to McCain’s funeral and express my loathing for him. Deal?

Let’s meet back here on Wed, Nov 4th, 2020.   Then you can laugh at me all you like.

You can grandstand about civility and respect. Many of us don’t lead such pampered and privileged lives. We literally bear the very real brunt of the policies and decisions of human garbage like John McCain.

White...incel...all around monstrous sense of entitlement...

Gizmodo and co. sucks.

Well, so what if they didn’t rape her? They probably raped a white girl at some point in their lives. Or, if not, then two others just like them have.  Look, they’re guilty of something and should be punished.

However noeverything John McCain has done warrants wishing he would of have died sooner and decomposing in a septic tank.

Don’t cry, little snowflake. Also, you may be thinking of his grandfather and father. Little Johnny McCain the III, was a useless, no good piece of shit who only got where he was because of his family name. If he’s anyone else, he works all his life as a night-stocker at Walmart (sort of like you).

ms_ooh > Rafi Schwartz

Any white male (without some serious baggage anyway) will beat Trump.

kgb99 > You. Yes, you.

I am pretty sure I agree with this sentiment. The only thing I would add is to say that (over time) this mentaility is (technically) what facilitates the lesser of two evils mentality and the constant move to the right of overton window.