Except for the white members of Antifa. They are terrorists.
Except for the white members of Antifa. They are terrorists.
Because no brain case.
Fuck me.
I hope they get an anonymous “gift” from the Ruiz family before the family moves.
The Pastabinieri are on their way.
The best cocaine is yellowish or off-white. So, he much whiter than that.
Yeah, well, consider the gloves off. The left (and the working class) has been turning the other cheek for over 30 years while the right has run roughshod over them. From now on, we are going to give as good as we get.
My pit bulls gotta eat.
Ah, yes, the circular logic of the right-wing echo chamber. Every single possible phenomenon is only further proof that you are correct in all your beliefs. Even experience or evidence demonstrating the exact opposite is powerless before such hubris.
Not defending the use of this word as an insult. I haven’t used it for decades myself. But, I can tell you, that being 50 years old, us boys were using it to insult each other in grade school before we had even the slightest idea what it actually meant. We just knew it was an insult.
Probably already been said but, “who fucking cares”?
You realize you aren’t actually dismissing my comments, right, shittroll?
Jesus Christ, you’re pathetic...
Uh huh. Boy, you sure do think you’re important don’t you, Cletus?
LOL. I see you have that wing-nut projection thing down to a tee. Congratulations? It must be awfully embarrassing to be required to associate with you on a day to day basis. I feel sorry for all the people that do.
Photoshop? I’m pretty sure these are actual photos of these trolls from earlier periods of their “lives”.
dudebraPaul Blest