Think about the arrogance it would take for a doctor (or a masseuse or sex partner) to tell you how good they are making you feel instead of asking and adjusting.
Think about the arrogance it would take for a doctor (or a masseuse or sex partner) to tell you how good they are making you feel instead of asking and adjusting.
You aren’t nearly as impressive or important as you fantasize you are. Learn to read what I actually said, instead of puffing up your chest and going full self-righteous, hysterical keyboard warrior.
Yes. And then there are those who held their nose and voted for Clinton on election day (me), but still think the DNC and short-sighted Dem nominee voters are at least as much to blame for making sure the Queen got the nomination.
One correction: I’d argue that Kennedy was the deciding vote. Let’s not forget: Gorsuch replaced Antonin Fucking Scalia; do you seriously think Scalia would have voted differently in any of these cases? Or would have refrained from being an absolute dick about each and every one of them?
Get a clue. I didn’t say that. I said that’s when cracks started to appear in the facade that we were the good guys. We have never been the good guys, honestly. But the America people believed we were and cracks didn’t start to appear in that, again, FACADE, until at least the Vietnam War...but I would say the Reagan…
Get used to the color orange, bitch.
You guuyyyysss!!!! She has been steadily losing her white privelege for decades now. Show a little compassion.
If he runs as a Dem, it will definitely mean four more years of Trump. If he runs as an independent, he will peel more votes off of Trump than any potential Dem nominee, so Trump would lose.
Everyone in my circle(s) pronounces it ‘Latinks’ when actually speaking it out loud, but I have been told in other GMG comment threads that I am evil incarnate for saying ymmv.
She will win by an even bigger margin in November, no worries there.
Your mindset is exactly why the triangulating, wall-street whoring, war-monger was our alternative to Trump in 2016 and why Trump is now president. GOP is -------======>>>>>>>>>>>
What goes around, comes around, you right-wing-nut fuckstains. Oh, are things going to get so much worse for you than anything like you’ve seen the last few weeks. You have no idea the shitstorm that’s coming.
What IS being threatened, and what is really the concern, is the demographic hegemony of white people in the United States, and the ability of white people to dominate the affairs of the U.S. That is what scares people like Pence and his shadow white supremacist ilk. It’s not sovereignty - the ability of the U.S.…
That crack appeared in 1980 when we elected the shitstain that was Ronald Reagan. Every president since then has endeavored to increase the length and breadth of said crack.
How about Obama seating Garland while the Senate was in recess?
Exactly. I am not a legal scholar or expert, but it is pretty transparent, that the conservative wing of the court routinely contradicts their own principles with these constant activist rulings.