
I want to see a black woman run the same exact ad (from the opposite policy positions but still sitting at the kitchen table with a gun) and see how that plays out.

Only 90%? That’s awfully charitable of you.

I see what you did there.

More likely, conflict diamonds.

We are all complicit.

It’s true. Since 2016 (and for the first time in my almost 50 years) I am totally embarrassed to be American. Briefly flirted with the idea during Dubya’s 8-year debacle, but it’s not even close.

It was supposed to be satire.

Boom? Really?!?

Honestly? Shocked they didn’t start shooting him.

I dunno, I would put “Candy in my van” creeps several rungs above Trump on the social ladder.

Now dismissing comments that call you out on your sychophantic slavering over center-right Democratic sellouts. Just sad, not only a shill, but can’t handle being identified as such.

Good fucking Christ. Is there any level corruption, grift, or general selling out that you won’t apologize for as long as it’s Team “D” that’s doing it? Center-right garbage troll is garbage.

Seriously, though, if there were a Deep State™, it would be conspiring to take down true progressives, socialists, communists, anarchists et al., and potential real threats to American globalism, wealth extraction, empire building and military excess...not some stupid hillbillies, gun nuts, or religious wackadoos who

Is Barr actually a conservative, though? Word on the street used to be that she was always a socialist. Maybe, she is just a racist, trolling, anti-establishment socialist, who hates the status quo so much that she doesn’t mind trolling us all as a conservative, midwestern Trumpet?

Yes, a shadowy cabal of career intelligence analysts, military officials, NSA spooks, and CIA assassins all took their unmarked helicopters to a secret HQ buried deep inside a mountain...

This is why I usually don’t sign petitions in person. If it’s online where I can do some background research on the person or cause, first, then fine. If you walk up to me with a clipboard, you can pretty much forget it.