
The problem with Mexico is that it is full of Americans.


I’ll be right over, snowflake. What’s your trailer park and lot number?

...police have obtained writings by the suspect which indicated he hoped to commit suicide following the attack, but that, in the event, he had told police he lacked “the courage” to do so.

This. Absolutely no touching grabbing or contact. Following him around harassing him for the “story”? Absolutely justice.

But the public bullying of this is disheartening. If you watch this and feel good about what is happening, I’m not sure you’re part of the solution. Public shaming, bullying or dressing down should not be part of the conversation.

SWIM says it has no taste at all because it is a pill you swallow and not something you poor milk over a bowl of and eat with a spoon.

No, it’s more like fly paper. You kneel down on one and then you never get up again. They just throw away both you and the rug and put down a new one.

It also coincidentally resulted in getting an actual progressive out of the halls of power. I am sure that benefit wasn’t lost on Gillibrand.

Your take is exactly backwards. It is because of fake progressives and the centrist fans happily pushing to Overton window further and further to the right every year that we had a choices between Orange shit and a triangulating, entitled, uncharismatic, warhawk (far to the right of Nixon or Reagan) as our choices two

Maybe there is karma. If there is, the Hucksterbees will all be reincarnated as prions.

Oh, they are draining the swamp. The part they left out is that they are draining it of everything good that still might be there and re-over-filling it with the most vile sludge imaginable. Jokes on you, Trumpanzees. (Well, ultimately, jokes on all of us, I guess).

Let me know when you start the GoFundMe for the gallows.

Trump is a hypocrite and an indecisive liar who changes his stance based on the last person he talks to?

That swamp has already been drained. They are already in the process of building a mixed use business/residential high rise on it’s former location.

That photo screams “incel”

I can confirm that the most all of the Milwaukee suburbs (and especially Waukesha County) contain the worst of the worst of the dregs of white human garbage. These wastes of genetic material make your average Trump voter and Tea Party devotee look like the Dalai Lama.

God damn if it isn’t!

Considering we are talking about a popular video game here (gamer gate anyone?), the fact that there would be MRA, incel, gamer-gater, misogynist, racist rage directed at anything other than an all white, male writing team isn’t really news. In fact, I would be shocked to hear that this didn’t happen.

It’s coming.