
Damn, who doesn’t love this woman?

Central Arizona College Police Department has asked her to remove the Facebook post because they are “receiving too many phone calls to be able to work the case.”

I still fully expect them to double down. The only thing that matters is hating those libtards.

We’ll put away the broad brush when you agree to start painting your own house.

Even inc-est. Theory checks out.

I can’t watch it. It’s too painful to me that it’s not real.

I don’t know. ‘Unhinged harpy’ is quote good and probably more accurate if you actually google the terms.

I can’t believe 6,298,482 people were that stupid.

I dunno. Tiny Tina is about the same level of cringeworthy as Lil Tay.

You don’t have to be on any of their “sides” they can all be terrible and deserving of criticism.

I am over 50, male and could probably take them all blindfolded, with my hands tied behind my back, and all three of them are terrifying existential horror shows. I weep for humanity.

Fraid not. Deez Heaux or gtfo

Well, in this kind of thread, there’s always at least one ungrayed, desperate little lickspittle, slobbering and sucking off the wealthy elites as hard as he can.

Weaksauce trolling, brosef.
