My wife is a doctor. I texted her and she agrees with my definitions. You could provide a million links and it wouldn’t matter. You can find support for anything on the internet and my wife is brilliant.
My wife is a doctor. I texted her and she agrees with my definitions. You could provide a million links and it wouldn’t matter. You can find support for anything on the internet and my wife is brilliant.
Listen, I’m sorry she lost. Ok? I am. I voted for her. I did my duty. There is no reason to continue to hold a grudge against Bernie. No reason.
Yeah well I gave as much money as I could to Bernie and all of it was deposited into Hillary’s account after he endorsed her. And I voted for her.
You don’t get to assume the reason for their first time discomfort. You don’t get to say the reason is because there has never been a black democrat nominee for governor. You don’t get to make up your own facts, sorry.
Zero, which proves Bernie’s point.
Ok, let’s not re-litigate the 2016 election once more. I know the Clinton fan club loves to do that, but over here in reality we kind of understand you to be insane people infatuated with pop icons of all sorts, those of the political flavor obviously not excluded. Hillary lost because she is a loser and nobody liked…
As soon as a plurality of Americans recognizes that the Supreme Court is illegitimate now that Trump may get three, or four - if Clarence retires - justices the revolution can begin. And I don’t mean revolution in the cartoonish sense, I mean it in the literal sense.
No it’s really not. Again, what Bernie said was correct. You missed the following part of his quote:
Any excuse to pick on Bernie.
Trudeau is the ideal leader: empathetic, intelligent, worldly, good-natured, passive, humble, witty, passionate, not afraid to dream big. He’s a human, and he cares. Doesn’t hurt that he’s beautiful.
Weird opinion, in my opinion. Bloomberg is 1) richer than Trump 2) a better businessman than Trump 3) a more experienced politician than Trump 4) a better debater than Trump 5) not being investigated, unlike Trump.
I have no idea what you’re talking about and did not read this reply.
What part of “All future replies will be ignored” did you not understand?
Kind of OT but I just realized that Trump is a lame duck and that made my day. Who are we going to put up there to beat him? Bloomberg is making some pretty serious waves. I think we need a senator like Booker or Harris - preferably Harris - that can play the “I actually know how politics work and this is not normal”…
Frankenstein is not unnamed. His goddamn name is Frankenstein.
Ahem... Elections have consequences.
What? It doesn’t matter that evolution isn’t the only theory about how life started. It’s the scientifically proven and correct one. Now you just sound like a Trumpanzee.
It was always a question whether Trump, backed into a corner by Mueller and losing the House, would begin to compromise with the American people or lash out. I guess we have our answer.
No, it is I whom am sorry. I don’t have time for this caliber of debate. Goodbye.
And nothing demonstrates this so purely as their insistence on Voter IDs.