
I don’t see very much people mispronouncing Porsche, however there is another mispronunciation that freaks me out. My university friend is calling Huracan smth like “Hurricane” (i’m from Russia, so he does it with a lot of russian accent also), and when he does it, i almost phisically feel the pain

Damn, isn’t 50ish mph too much for heavy trucks in this kind of conditions on a twisty road?

“because modern electronic fuel injection systems work perfectly 99.999999 and a bunch more nines percent of the time”

Would not grab exactly because it’s stick. I don’t need stick in a car like this (i don’t need stick very much in any car, though)

I personally think the Revolucione is the best. But they are all god in their own way. This one with LMP-style tail fin is pretty awesome too.

Faces & Laces event in Moscow.

I PS’d one into the lowrider. Would be pretty badass.

For me, it looks more like modernized E36 design