Q: “Was your former boss murdered?”
Q: “Was your former boss murdered?”
This is the correct take.
Mr. Hill:
Mr. Hill:
No matter what helmet he wears, it will NOT protect his brain.
He is also the reason why I stopped calling my officemate, Laura, ‘Lora’ and now call her ‘Lawra’ after watching Logan.
She made $12,000 for four months of work, but (according to CelebrityNetWorth.com), she has turned that into $3 million.
I still believe 2016 had nothing to do with Obama.
Unless you are the NCAA.
I assume they will use the “But, he is a public figure” defense.
A few months ago, those on the right were shouting at the top of their lungs that conservative members of the media and politicians should be left alone in public (let them eat in a restaurant in peace).
“Well at some point you will probably need to do the reverse of the action as in pushing yourself up from a prone position.”
50% of income from the book?
Secretary of Transportation?
Don’t forget that John Kerry spent a shit-ton of money in Iowa just before the caucus.
He has plenty of time to fill in the paperwork for Senator.
Until the local press crowds into a high school library to showcase a girl making her decision on whether to sign her letter of intent to be a physics major at Harvard, MIT, or Princeton, this shit is going to continue.
Before Idiocracy was released the “reason” for the dumb-down US poipulation was changed.
Or, do something besides a bench press.