
I’ve never understood the gaming community, mostly because gamers acknowledge how hard it is to develop a game, any game, but then absolutely destroy developers. This dude got 75% positive ratings, but the remaining 25% made his life so miserable, he’s out.

Resident of the PNW. Recently ate a “truffle”. Two hours later, with a nice glass of wine and, I shit you not, Flash Gordon on the tube, I leisurely worked my way through a box of do-si-dos. When the wife and kids are away, make lemonade, mix metaphors, whatever...

If someone is rude enough to question your choice, “I’m trying to get/stay healthy.”, is usually enough. If they persist, “Because I don’t want to cross people’s boundaries.”, with a mild, but direct look.

Phenomenal. There’s also “Itslian wedding soup” with escarole, pastina and chicken meatballs. There's also kale and sausage soup....I could go on. Try it.

Never had escarole soup?

You'd think someone, at some point, would have talked to these dopes about a little agency called the EEOC.

Who cares? No misuse of public funds, no substantiated abuse; is the implication that infidelity was a contract violation?

The DA said the case qualified, they just chose not to make the charge.

Amazingly, despite they obvious motivations of the alleged perpetrators, they weren't charged with sexual assault.

But there also has to be proximate reporting. If assaults were reported with anything close to the frequency with which they occur, the police and prosecutors would have no choice but to improve. Sexual assault doesn't stop with the physical...just like any assault, it has to be relived in interviews in order for it

Loren. Man or woman? How about Evelyn? In a hospital, is your gender/sex relevant to any discussion of your condition? The language isn't used to be sensitive, but to be explicit. How would you like someone to accidentally place an "s" in front of a "he" in a report and screw up a legal case or an anesthetic

I know police who are accountants, lawyers, psychologists, Phd candidates, etc. They’re not “not very smart”, they’re using a style specifically developed to eliminate ambiguity whenever possible. The same style is used in hospital settings, the armed forces, etc, etc. People who want professional police and then

The use that style for purposes of clarity. Unless you come up with a better way to be utterly clear, shut it. They're not doing it to offend.

The Knicks just can’t stop Knickin’.

When you get to the point where you’re deciding who is black enough to do what, you’re reducing opportunity even further. Should dark-skinned people not be allowed to play light-skinned people? Should we stop using make-up or prosthetics for all characters, black, white, or the otherwise?

It doesn’t matter what you think the discussion is about. The real discussion is what her legal responsibilities are as a teacher, what duties she has to protect children in her care from access to things considered “dangerous” to children (and yes, nude photos are considered dangerous to children) and how we define

The law considers him a minor child, which he is. Teachers are allowed to have all the stuff they want, but not to allow access to that stuff by the children in her care. He could have taken drugs from her purse, pepper spray, a knife, you name it.. The principle is the same...if we have decided children shouldn’t see

No. Not the way it works. Teachers have different responsibilities, among them the responsibility to safeguard minors in their care from items society has decided are damaging to minors. By failing to restrict access to nude photographs, she failed her duty of care. She loses not because of the content but the failure

What if he took a gun from her open purse? He has no right to it, so obviously, he’s 100% responsible, no? No. We charge people in the business of taking care of children with protecting those children from things society has deemed unsuitable. Nude pictures are some of those things that teachers aren't supposed to

If a kid stole a gun, a knife, or drugs from her purse, you’d be singing a different tune. You’d crush her for failing to keep those items safe. Like it or not, our society has decided that teachers can’t expose minor kids to pronography or (Jesus) nude selfies of teachers. By failing to secure the images, she failed