
They both said, essentially, “We didn’t see it”. They dispute the allegation that they witnessed a rape and didn’t intervene, not the rape. They wished her healing.

Again, they said they didn’t see it and couldn’t have done anything about it. They didn’t say it didn’t occur. They said it was upsetting and wished her well. What else is there?

While not excusing the crappy circumstances of her arrest, it’s going to be hard to prove that there was any intent to enable her suicide. The police failed to check on her hourly and a trash bag was mistakenly left in her cell, but that isn’t illustrative of intent. Someone has already summarized the legal issues

Is being untruthful solidarity? If, as they say, they not only didn’t witness an assault, but couldn’t have intervened because they didn’t see an assault, what do they owe? They wished her well. That’s really all they can do, because to do otherwise and concede to her story wouldn’t be ethical.

I don’t think they owe support for a story they don’t feel is true. The woman alleges a rape, that they were present and did nothing. They say they didn’t see it and if they had, they would have intervened.

Girl fights are nuts. You have to worry about 47 things at the same time. You don't want to hurt them, or even touch them, to be honest, but frequently you have to wrap them so they can't scratch your eyes or face, kick you in the balls or stomp on your foot with heels, throw drinks, hit you with a bottle (they don't

The stereotype of men as gross and women not is easily broken by comparing the state of every bar men's room with every bar ladies' room after closing. Most places I worked hired bathroom cleaners who only did restaurants and bars (good business for a guy with a spare hazmat suit) because, wow. I have seen things....

Yeah, not so much. Most of the time, you’re alternately bored or being amazed at the dumb shit drunks will do or say. Of course, you could also be carding people too young to get in, then listening to them as they beg you to break the law and let them in. Or, you could be escorting people out who think the bathroom is

I’m not sure how you can still be a fan.

Well, given that successful people in fashion are surrounded by some of the worst sycophants on earth, he probably came by that look honestly.

I have never understood why anyone would look to an actor or singer or athlete for penetrating insights. Actors and singers are truly (not in the sarcastic sense) narcissistic, especially the young ones. They don't have normal social interactions; they are insulated from most things that aren't geared to furthering

Yeah, because you expect a company to say, “Our product sucks.”.

And the opinion of one player with regard to the nature of God or fiscal conservatism matters why? We don’t ask most players to justify their political stances or their religious beliefs. We might decry those who buck social trends (such as equal rights for LGBT people), but in the end, we really don’t give a shit

That kind of doesn’t make sense, what with term limits, retirements, losses, new entrants to various races, etc. My views have been more aligned with Democratic presidential candidates over the years...I’m pretty sure we haven’t had continuous Democratic presidencies since 1985. I have voted for Republicans, just

That’s stupid. It’s weird when the football press goes after a guy for his politics, yet never gets nuts about all the nutty fundamentalist Christians that pervade the NFL. They just wanted to embarrass the dude.

Some guys (I’m one of them) feel better after building strength and endurance. You can’t gain either without changing your body composition.

Except that who gives a shit?

Insufficient sample.

I’m agnostic, but I have quite the religious education. Sex isn’t viewed as “shameful” or something not to be enjoyed. It is seen as the gift of a damn good time that couples can enjoy together. The caveat is that the couple must be open to the potential sequelae of the act, which are pregnancy and children. So, have

Some guys are just good with kids. I’m the oldest of five and one of the oldest of 47 grandchildren who were all regularly together at family functions. I’m good with kids. I like kids. I never mind taking care of my own or my sisters’ or sisters in law’s children. So, it might be a little sexist to cast aspersions,