You seem to be confused about how the law works. Go hit someone, then tell the police, “But he called me a name!”.
You seem to be confused about how the law works. Go hit someone, then tell the police, “But he called me a name!”.
Except that, no, you're not allowed to try and hospitalize someone who insults you. You're the type of dude who shouldn't have access to weapons.
Because up until 10 years ago, it wasn’t a blip. It doesn’t matter to you. It doesn’t matter to me. But, to 230+ years of Americans, it wasn’t a thing. The thought of gay marriage contravened established values and laws regarding homosexuality and marriage.
You should meet some more athletes, then. When you're trying to be the greatest in the world at a non-team sport, your worldview is pretty much inward-facing. Tennis players and golfers are notorious assholes.
No, because she no longer opposes it. She’s from a different generation; I always think it’s a little stupid that we expect older people who have grown up with a set of social values, usually reinforced by religious belief, to clearly articulate, precisely to our expectations, support for something that they had…
When 40% don’t offer and of the 60% who do, 40% don’t mean it, makes it fairly clear that the vast majority of women, despite desires for equality and egalitarianism, don’t want to pay for dates. It’s not just a thing that’s been beaten into men’s heads, but also women’s.
Your disagreement is invalidated by literally millions of safety regulations. There's a difference between not wanting to be regulated and not needing to be regulated.
Dude, God has made it abundantly clear that he does not want Tim Tebow to be an NFL quarterback. It was not for the Eagles to question His judgment. If the Birds kept Tebow, we’d be awaiting the NFL equivalent of the locusts, or 40 (more) years in the desert, or some kind of equally bad shit. Fuck that guy.
Many POC simply resist being asked to be responsible for fulfilling everyone’s ideal of their particular ethnic designation. This woman is a comedic writer first...does she have to contemplate her ethnicity prior to writing every joke? Are first generation Americans not supposed to talk about the (sometimes frankly…
I might be in the minority, but I viewed her comments as less an indictment of a woman’s choice in clothing and more a commentary on the obvious truism that it’s naive to hang out with known rapists when all of you are drunk/drugged and you, the woman, are in your underwear, and not consider the situation dangerous.
It’s obvious to any sentient human being that BLM isn’t a hate group. BLM is a reaction to a culture that hasn’t valued black life and policing policies that are disproportionately targeted at people of color.
The guy who said Salman Rushdie should be killed for exercising freedom of speech?
I don’t think it’s victim blaming when we question decisions. When one leaves their doors open and gets robbed, or leaves their car unlocked and has things taken, or ventures into a well-known area for crime and gets mugged, we quite rightly suggest that there were preventative actions that the person could have…
Not Catholic or religious. However, if you presuppose that God exists and that he has created everything and everyone, then his ability to forgive isn’t a right. He can do whatever he wants. we don’t judge God, he judges us.
The Stealth was fucking awesome. I wish I had bought two and barned one. No shit.
There is one unshakeable civic belief in Philadelphia and it is that, “Dallas sucks!”.
I think you’re oversimplifying something very complicated. It’s not really arguable that both women and men can suddenly or gradually come to regard sex as unpalatable, even as they’re no less in love with their partner. Given that the parties mutually agreed to sexual monogamy, but only one agrees to cease engaging…
You are high. It's horribly dangerous.
A large number of studies have revealed that our views regarding beauty/attractiveness are, despite any wish for the opposite to be true, biologic in origin. Humans evolved to find certain traits more desirable.
A) In most of the world, they’re not white.