
And in eight years the show will be near-forgotten, whereas the books will be relevant much longer. XOXO

Except the gigantic fanbase that prefers the books to the show. But, you know, “not relevant to anyone.” Whatever you say.

Not if he wants to remain relevant. He needs to take a page out of the James SA Corey playbook or risk becoming more and more irrelevant. I’m definitely not deeply invested in the books anymore, and I’m only moderately interested in the show. Peak TV + other great book series > GRMM’s “pace”.

The Randian cryptofascist who said “First of all, I don’t write fantasy. I write stories that have important human themes. They have elements of romance, history, adventure, mystery and philosophy. Most fantasy is one-dimensional. It’s either about magic or a world-building. I don’t do either.” - Terry Goodkind?

Great. How about you finish the series instead.

None of these places are in the Midwest, they are all part of the south....

Or he will ask that we only send men into space. Ones without a “wide stance”.

Now playing

This is done in the same style as the “rapping the news” videos that he does—which are always good. I lay that goodness at the feet of interns scouring video and editors who are really good at their job. Also, apropos of nothing here, this should also be mentioned on Star Wars Day:

It is called “Space Balls”

It’s a rocket to Heaven. With an all-male crew, unless Mother can chaperone.

I adore Vincent D’onofrio and I will absolutely watch this!

I googled it just in case...!!!

Are you alright, Melania?

Robin Williams’ death hit me like a brick. Obviously I never met him, nor did I know him, but man, his movies were a crucial part of my childhood. So many gems in his filmography, what a shame we lost him decades too early.

They’re not irrelevant, they just elected a president promising to do their bidding.

I’m honestly past the point of debate about climate change. If somebody loudly denies that it’s a thing, and I object, and they say prove me wrong, I tell them it’s not my job. Some people are only going to become educated about climate change when they:

Of all the fucked up stuff that this administration is doing this one is near the top of the list for me, and getting far too little press. These are incredible national parks that should be preserved for the use of the public and our children. Opening these up for mining/drilling only serves corporations at the

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose.

When America elects a clown for President who totally ignores science, knowledge, truth, and commonsense the answer seems to be yes we need every television actor and sane human being we can get to support science.

That looks like fucking Hee Haw.