Mean Girl

The bigot Sessions needs to be dealt with.

What is Kellyanne Conway's lie-count so far this week?

Yeah. Stick it to the bigot Trump, that sad, insecure excuse for a man.

Of course it is related. The bigot Trump is a reality show President – so he warrants the coverage.

Yeah but how many pussies did he grab? How many minorities and people with disabilities did he mock and insult? You have to factor ALL the sins of this petty bigot to really get the scope of his depravity.

What a disgusting human being the bigot Trump is. Where is colon cancer when you really need it?

Nah – Hitler had those powerful arm gestures and his psychopathology. The baby bigot just has his little finger dances and his brittle narcissism.

Did baby bigot get a hummer from mommy after reading ALL his homework last night?

What did the petty bigot Trump say? Did he dribble and make his usual weird finger dances?

What is the pathetic bigot Trump whining about now?

Ignore the bigot Trump. Let him stare at his tiny fingers typing his petty tweets.


He's reputed to have abused a few people himself.

Yeah: some bullshit, a bunch of superlatives and an exclamation point.

Damn – just like the election.

I don't get it: who fucked up?

What happened? – I wasn't watching.

Great band.

Ha ha. Sadly, me too.

He was alt-right before there was an alt-right.