
I think the real question is whether it was red.

Either RDJ or Hugh Jackman could make solid picks for third for exactly that reason: both tweaked the character, but did so to such excellent effect that they've largely overwritten the original comic material. Comics-Wolverine is a furry ninja midget, but Jackman's tired, gravelly brawler is what most people would

TFA was 90 minutes of instant classic filmmaking, awkwardly bolted to 30 minutes of cut scenes from Wolfenstein 3-D.

Bob Johnson . . . oh wait . . .

My appreciation for McCarthy's performance will knot be de-turd.

As far as legit season-enders are concerned, I won't go so far as to say it was best ever.

This news is 104% perfect.

Kivas Fajo. Trump is Kivas Fajo.

I'm going to be honest: I just prefer to whistle past the graveyard on this one.

Shaun's line about not knowing how to finish the analogy that started with "Even getting them to pull each other's teeth is like . . ." was the most delightful bit of wordplay about torture I've ever heard.

I think that's actually the joke. Everyone else there has textures and wrinkles to their goodness; Real Eleanor is exactly the kind of person you would think an afterlife called "The Good Place" would be populated with. And yet, the actress playing her still sells the heck out of Real Eleanor's earnest and winsome

. . . In fairness, any film that involves making out with Dina Meyer is an aspirational film.

*Uses an app to add glasses*

That's the thing about the Oscars: they make their choices for the exact same reason that People Magazine doesn't pick Denzel Washington as the Sexiest Man of the Year every single year, or the NFL never picks a center or left tackle for NFL Most Valuable Player: because those are marketing tools. Denzel is already as

My major issue with the show is that it seems to be have the most upper-class/NPR feel of heaven yet: Those who did laudable stuff at NGOs, look attractive, or think deep things are going to make it.

Well, since we are straight dudes, talking about Star Trek . . .

I also loved how it grew in the second viewing. The first scene, aside from being a hilarious homage to "The Adamms Family" scene where Wednesday and Pugsley do the goriest Shakespeare ever, was a testimony to Judy's childhood optimism. It was obvious that she was powering through that little operetta through force of

Yeah, I would second the suggestion to contact the local ACLU, as well as see what you might do about retaining pro bono legal counsel. Quite simply, debtor's prison, or the practice of imprisoning someone for no other reason than because they are unable to pay their legal fees, is flagrantly unconstitutional.

Honest and serious question:

With all due respect, I'm not sure that he really had enough specific, concrete campaign promises to bury in a matchbox. Trump wasn't running on a specific platform of ideas; he was running as an embodiment of the "screw those snooty city slickers" attitude and zeitgeist that is running through rural America right