
Thanks! Enjoy your ice cream. :)

Not today, but I've got a birthday dinner at a restaurant I like on Saturday, so things are looking up.

I don't think there's any problem with cutting whoever you need to cut from your life to be okay. And we're cool, re: snappishness. Like I said, I respect you a lot, and snappishness happens to the best of us.

I understand. I'm on edge myself.

No. I'm afraid for a lot of reasons. I'm afraid my sister won't have health care. I'm afraid my friends will face violence. I'm afraid of what happens to my right to marry. I'm afraid that the people who voted for Trump will keep voting for candidates like him, and I desperately want to figure out how to stop that. I

Then I am slightly more afraid for our future than I already was.

I respect you enormously, having read much that you've written here and on the Avocado. But you can't take care of you and yours while writing off a third of the country. You don't have to mollify them. You don't have to grant their views any validity. But you can't declare them not your countrymen. They are. That's

Yeah, lots of my friends have Twitter and Snapchat and whatever. We use those platforms in addition to Facebook, because Facebook is incredibly well-suited to keeping in contact with people you don't see very often but do still care about. I think that's probably why it's not all that popular with

And I'm firmly Millennial, and we… definitely have Facebook. Millennials have friends from college who they want to keep up with, just like everyone else!

Elijah Mundo is the greatest goddamn name in the world, and I'm so glad someone else finally realizes it. The next time someone answers a question correctly, tell them, "Correctamundo, Elijah Mundo." There's no phrase more fun to say. (They'll have no idea what you're referencing, but whatever.)

Maybe it's another thing that's changed, then. That's unfortunate.

I stopped watching Criminal Minds when the thoughtful-to-gruesome ratio dipped below 1, but they used to take in killers alive all the damn time. Has that changed?

There are places on the gender-and-sexuality front where Farscape shows its age a little, but a lot of it is so crazily ahead of its time. I wonder just how much non-subtextual John/D'Argo we'd have gotten, if it'd aired a decade later.

I am a million percent sure that there's a Cop Rock reference on another episode of Community, but I cannot find it. It's a scene where someone is talking to the study group and describes the concept of Cop Rock, and the group all looks at each other in confusion until someone says, "Cop Rock!" And the light dawns,

Yeah, my hair naturally falls into a (messier) version of this style, as soon as it reaches shoulder length. Any shorter than that and it's just wild, but I guess the weight straightens out the top, when it gets long enough.

Mary-Louise Parker! Marlee Matlin! Um, um, whoever played the NASA chick in season 5!

Man, this is a real fucking downer of both an article and a comments section.

I think you mean Hayden. Braeden is the bounty hunter.

It took a lot of work to get to this joke, but goddamn if it wasn't the thing to finally make me cry.

An ex-girlfriend of Shawn's who was one of the girls who kidnapped him on Valentine's Day to keep him from keeping his date with Angela.