Thotline Bling: black girl supremacy

He is absolutely right. But this poor girl seems like if “a hard head makes a soft behind” was a person.

To reference Katt’s classic joke about the Chrysler 300 vs. a PhantomKevin Hart only looks like a comedian until a real one pulls up! So pull up, Mr. Williams!

This is a beautifully, nuanced, and well written tribute. Scrolling down to read in your bio that you are a scholar makes perfect sense.

Talk that shit, lil sis! We love to see it! And the fact remains: None of these detractors can see you on a balance beam, the high bars, a mat or even waving a damned ribbon from a rhythmic routine. Period.


Well, Mr. X sure does know how to keep himself in the conversation! Wouldn’t be surprised if he has a #1 debut. The hip hop homophobes will either have a coronary or a field day with this one.

Congratulations to all of these women making a big impact. Special shout out to Akilah! We see you sis. Trying to get on all of their levels one day.

I didn’t think this story could get any wilder than this fool randomly running up on a reporter during a hurricane live shot. Yet, here we are?

LMAOOO @ that headline!  And also, can someone please take away whatever keyboard Cam uses to type his indecipherable messages and captions with?! My goodness! He just be using whatever letter look “DiFfeRenT” and it’s upsetting me and my homegirls!

I just keep having this feeling as all of these stories come to light... I... can’t describe it? It just takes over me... Could it be?

Normally, I don’t respond to nonsense, but I’d like to save the next grey commenter some time: What do I look like arguing with y’all about Lizzo’s opinion?! IDGAF about honorific titles enough to go back and forth with you.

Lol. But he DID mean to make that comment or else he would not have said it? Now, maybe he “didn’t mean” to make it on air or in front of “mixed” company. But he meant it, alright.

Chile fuck Madonna. She has said and done so many reprehensible things (calling her son, “my n-word”??/), that I’m not surprised she wasn’t top of Lizzo’s mind. Those stans will deal. People need to give Janet her flowers.

That shit looks like a burial shroud in this photo.

Damon, you came back for this?

On another note, I’m still with the fuck Coonye energy. New album could be better than a Prince, MJ and George Michael collab but I do not have any fucks to give about him or anything connected to him. Fuck his slavery was a choice ass.

Congratulations to Chloe! I hope her performance is flawless! Thing is, I haven’t watched the VMAs in years. No one I know has, honestly.

No the hell she did not! Whew, chile. I wasn’t paying close enough attention to have an opinion on the stuff going on w/Ms. Richardson. But it seems this young woman is showing her true colors in all the WORST ways. It’s the incorrigible ignorance for me. Yikes!

Thank you for saying this! I couldn’t pick Tony Hawk out of a line up. So I dang sure don’t keep up with his product releases.