Yes. There was?
Yes. There was?
Not to mention that Jesse Owns biopic role going to a Canadian (?) actor who had never even heard of him before...
+1! Talk about a complete oversimplification of a complex issue?!
Indeed! That performance was acclaimed for quite a while after it aired! That show was gone far too soon.
I like Cynthia and believe she is unbelievably talented. Loved her as Celie. Loved the song she contributed to “Beyond the Lights.”
shit. thank you for this reminder to go scoop them airmax i put in my cart the other day. #takethat #takethat tangerine tyrant. #imwithkaep
It bothers me so much that this man working a perfectly legal, good job was used as an attempt to shame him (and, by extension, the other people who work in the service industry).
Noooo. Yesha! I’ll miss you! ;(
well, damn... we already knew prison officials didn’t give a damn about inmates, but he just straight threw it out there like that?
i guess I’m equally “petty” as senator mccain. b/c i wouldn’t want no draft-dodging orange anus who talked shit about me being a POW or anyone dumb enough to actually SAY she can “see russia from her house” at my shit either.
Lovely shoes. I also really like the photo of her on the cover of the program (?) in the top photo.
Aside from the unbelievably poor taste of its premise, this skit was PAINFULLY unfunny. Like... who fell asleep at the wheel at the wheel of this dumpster fire of a script?
“...I mean, ‘women deserve equality’—that’s not politics, right? That’s not something that people are actually disagreeing on, is it? It can’t be.”
very excited to see this film and what barry does w/the material. he is so talented.
this. this. this. no longer getting offended on behalf of these “unapologetic pawg slayers.”
“naked” eclipses both, imo.
no child should ever be denied a meal in school, particularly, because of inability to pay. smh.
who asked for this?!
nicki refuses to take an ounce of blame for anything. it’s always someone else’s fault. and everyone else is out to get her. tired of her persecution complex. i’d wager very few people think of her as much as she does herself.