
In your first paragraph, you ask who cares if someone is gay. In your third paragraph, you admit that many people still care.

What everyone here has said about the assumption of heterosexuality is true, but there's also a political reason to come out. People who know gay people are much likelier to support gay rights than those who don't, so coming out to people who think they don't have gay friends, family members, or colleagues can, in

Being disgusted by anal sex doesn't make you homophobic - I doubt you could find a single person who isn't disgusted by at least one sex act other people engage in - but being disgusted by gay men because they have anal sex does make you homophobic. Also, plenty of gay guys don't do anal. But then I bet you're just as

Replied to wrong post.

Is this really still a thing? When I get the death grip from a salesperson, it feels like compensatory macho posturing. It puts me off the person immediately. Besides, who generally have the strongest handshakes? Young, fit men. Who generally don't: the female, the old, the out-of-shape, the disabled. The only purpose

Now I know what I'm getting Terrence Howard for Christmas.

The difference is that the atomic bomb is a notorious weapon whose use during WWII makes it any easy point of reference for most people when it comes to destructive power. The Peacemaker is a bomb most people have never heard of, making it useless as a point of reference.

I get 1.5 hours of comp time for every hour I work over 40. Some of my co-workers love this system, but my vacation time is already generous and, being on the lower end of lower-middle class, I'd prefer the cash in hand. The system makes plenty of sense for my employer, since the amount they spend on salary doesn't

You don't think it would be justified? He's being harassed and could eventually be assaulted due to Sprint's faulty technology and if they were willing to fix the problem without being forced, they would have done so by now.

Did he get that tie at Gap Kids?

My impression was that the techs were selling the OEM parts for a profit. That doesn't make it okay, but they weren't swapping parts just for kicks.

Just in case this doesn't go without saying, that photo album stuff goes for any cell phone store. I used to work as a tech for Verizon and any halfway cute girl who handed over her phone was a likely victim of this sort of thing. Most of us were smart enough not to copy the pics, but we had one guy who had flash

Wow. That model looks like that Chinese grandpa who modeled his granddaughter's clothing line. Also, like she hasn't washed her face in about a week.

I don't accept the assumption that, if we could just somehow prove homosexuality was genetic, the evangelicals and ex-gay "therapists" would back off. When have these people ever let evidence get in the way of a good culture war? The choice argument is a decent piece of support for them, but it's not their main

I was sad to see Newzbin2 go, but there are still plenty of usable search engines out there. works just fine. I was happy to pay a little for the luxury of a curated engine, which kept me from wasting my time and my BlockNews allotment on incomplete or mislabeled files, but it's still better than going

There's a fine line between ping pong and ching chong. Or maybe there isn't.

I agree that this is a problem for the end user, but if I were a manufacturer or an OS developer, it's not one I'd be eager to fix. When we view a device as public, as with a desktop computer or a video game console, a household only needs one. When we view it as private, as with a smartphone or tablet, every

My favorite handset name from my days as a Verizon tech was the Casio G'zOne, which managed to massacre conventions of punctuation, capitalization, and pronunciation all at once. Bonus points added because its most common mispronunciation sounds like a misstatement of an elusive part of the female anatomy. "The G'zOne

And yet they make such a big deal out of their downloads being spyware and malware free. This is definitely going to increase the number of times I have to drive to my mom's house and uninstall the dozen toolbars that are slowing down her browser.

I think the complaint is that, even when you do pay, as with Hulu Plus, there are still ads. Although, thankfully, the full-length movies are ad free.