
I want her to come back in crazy bad plastic surgery make-up.

As far as picking sides goes, I'm definitely Team Michael. The show has been favoring him recently as the sweet, respectful ex-boyfriend who truly gets Jane, but I also just feel like there's still something sketchy about Rafael. Anybody else think he might not be as innocent as he looks regarding the whole

I'm not disputing that. But I'm fairly young and my dad has been battling cancer on and off, so let's just say that hit close to home.

Also, I didn't think I'd cry for Betty, but that letter really had me. I mean, I was mostly crying for Sally. But it was sad.

Who else thought Don would just turn out to be a late-in-the-life gay daddy and drive off to San Francisco with that young hoodwinkin' twink from the motel?

Well, you could do something worthy with a witches' coven or a creepy carnival as well.

Ugh. I think it's super irritating that a straight chick would act like she knows her closeted friend's sexuality better than he does, psychic powers or not.

Why didn't they just hire Jon Voight?

As quiet as it was, the scene between Elizabeth, her mother and Paige had me in tears - three generations of women with very different lives, but ostensibly quite alike in character, coming together for both the first and last time… I wasn't expecting it to be so touching. And it tricked me into believing that it was

I think Sally's supposed to be 16 or 17 like her schoolmates, but Kiernan was only 14 when they shot this.

Or you could see it the other way around: splitting the same budget over half as many episodes is in part what allows them to make the show so great.

Whenever they mentioned the city being attacked and the reconstruction I kept wondering if those were vague allusions to real life and if the show was supposed to be set in 2002. It was a bit confusing and it took me a long while to realize that they were talking about the battle from The Avengers.

I thought it was interesting that Elizabeth told Paige about her mother without telling her that she was dying, and that that information later came from Philip in a very impromptu moment.

I'm not usually one for dissolves, but that slow montage of Paige on the phone while her parents were "working" was really fantastic.

I agree that sketch didn't go anywhere but Kate McKinnon as Bob Durst was SO GOOD.

That's interesting! I find him hard to watch because I don't understand his thought process & he seems so often irrational.

Did Fitz look like your high school gym teacher in that sweater too?

Does anybody here still care about Cyrus? I'm honestly asking. Do some of you guys find him sympathetic, or touching, or interesting, or even hateful but in a fun way?

I saw the whole thing. I actually thought season 1 had more going for it than most of season 2, but maybe I was giving it a bit more slack because I assumed it was still figuring itself out and setting up better, bigger stories for season 2 (I haven't rewatched).

Nah. I come in respect, but if the widow's gonna accuse me of murder when the guy actually died from a complicated set of circumstances that had nothing to do with me and a lot to do with how he chose to live, I'm not just gonna sit and cry and take the blame.