Thomas Mac

Nobody was hurt, right? Oh well, his ass can afford all the cleanup crews.

All of the “vandalism” photos Bloomberg has sent show that the “vandals” where excessively polite and either taped signs to windows or gently laid them on the side of the building. None of the buildings where actually damaged.

This looks a hell of a lot more like missguided viral marketing by the Bloomberg campaign the

Bloomberg: ”Mommmmmmy, Bernie said he was going to.. sniff sniff.. he said he was going to eat me!”

Do I have to repeat myself? People, Bloomberg is a racist. This isn’t an exaggeration or attack line. This is an accurate description of his publicly held beliefs. Thus, anyone supporting him for president over other viable candidates does not care about black people.

No, what will assure Dolt 45 a second term is putting forth his more competent, but equally abhorrent twin in actual Billionaire form.

He’s also 78 years old. That’s A LOT of time to accumulate wealth. Honestly, if you’ve been a politician since 1980 (40 years) and have written good selling books, you *should* have that much money (est. $2.5 million in net worth) saved up for “retirement.”

As long as Bernie pays his taxes and treats employees like people, then I don’t care how many houses he has. Being a socialist does not mean having to live like a monk.

To be fair, Bloomberg did work hard to make his fortune.
To be even fairer, many people work just as hard — or harder — and are still living in perpetual poverty.

I enjoyed this. I'd only add that FUCK do I wish more Americans read actual policy.

Bloomberg found the thing his money couldn’t buy — debate agility.

On brand for that imperialistic little shit.

Imagine thinking the anti-Castro Cuban exiles still have the clout to swing Florida in a national election. 

HAHAHA I love how your response does nothing to rebut the point Longsnake made. You just divert completely. XD

I’ve never seen someone hate another person as intently as cdwag hates Sanders. Ever. It’s not deranged at all! Swearsies realsies!

Being progressive just isn’t about voting records though it’s about the ability to take on crony capitalism by organizing, protesting, leading workers rights movements. Taking money from corporations, being a republican in your past, backtracking on single payer, all are indicators that Warren won’t be able to

The irony is that if she had run in 2016, Bernie wouldn’t have.

I’m a Bernie supporter, but not one of his “bros”. Voted for him in the primary last time and will do so again. My second choice would be Warren, because her positions are closer to Bernie’s than anyone else. She is just not as inspiring to me as Bernie. He appears as pissed off towards the gov’t  as I am.

You just can’t take the truth can you...

What’s crazy is that Elizabeth Warren checks all of the required boxes and yet for some reason there are people who actually like to label themselves as progressives that prefer Amy Freaking Klobachar ???? This is why lifetime and the ION channel are still in business