
The developers have the right to creative expression, and everyone else has the right to say "this part of your 'creative expression' is sexist bullshit."

"Excuse me waiter, this food you've brought me is rotten." "Open your own restaurant!"

You'll read my reply and we both know it. You obviously didn't read my first comment, though. I showed you exactly how you could have voted early on an absentee ballot. I even quoted the very reason you gave in your post as one of the qualifications for mailing in an absentee ballot in South Carolina. So you can no

Look, Ducky, you seem to like to whine about how you had no options. But you did. You just didn't feel like doing the necessary research. It took me less than 5 minutes to see that your state does have absentee voting and that you qualify. (scroll down to the list

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. only 17% of the vote was 65+. 72% was aged 30-64. Poor 18-29 year olds are the only ones who have jobs in this economy. Right, it was because YOU and only the young have jobs. I have been out of the country on business trips in two elections and still managed to vote. If you

Intersectionality is not failing. It is a thing, a concept, a method of looking at a problem. It can't fail because it isn't doing anything. It cant fail any more then life is failing. No, one can fail at life, but life is and will be, whether you personally fail or not. 'Life' itself - does not fail.