
Come January lord dampnut will push for a longer holiday season because of all the good paying seasonal jobs will be in jeopardy. Future students will study this in their walmart/amazon for-profit universities for decades to come as we all anxiously pound the fuck outta that buy now button in fear of recession.

Dont hate me for saying this or whatever hate me. Maybe this little kid is actually a HUGE fucking asshole and the parents are kinda like, done with his shit. Maybe he called moms friend a becky or maybe the moms friend works on the side for door dash and leaving things on the door step is no big deal. 

This is going to sound fucked up, and if it happens then yeah, tis fucked. Anyway, it almost sounds like we, as a nation, are just one more brutally tragic school shooting away from hearing a fox news bum utter the words “crisis actors” when possibly referring to a child victim. You might think they would be smarter

I fucking love soggy cereal! Yeah, have fun chewing those disposable razer blades.

Holy shit i was worried we might lose. But whites win again! Just dominating nowadays, all days. Lets hear it for another ten thousand years or more for owning the thoughts of the root staff. Nobody sleeps on white people.

I have lived in Texas for over a decade. No fucking resident of Texas should be allowed to talk about the anthem protests until every motherfucker in Texas with a secession bumper sticker is locked up for treason. The double standard is more profitable in texas than oil ever could be. 

11. You can smash some old man in the face with a brick and take the hate crime charge. Like a true american, brother!!!

Records...pfffft! Uhh do we care much about records? Is Drake about to pay anybody's rent? No. He makes billionth track, you subscribe, his kids live in castles, you die on the street, broke, powerless. But yaknow, them beats tho. 

Damn not even a month after Hamilton basically gets called racist for goin after Obamas silence we got this. Hilllfuckingarious! We’re are all fucked. Y’all are garbage fuckin writers and live in an echo chamber. Bring on the civil war, i guess. Have fun blaming with no answers.

Because yaknow its not like the dude has found a low key way to let everybody know he has a kid. For his brand tho

Damon works for the root and somehow doesn’t know shit about what white people will and won’t do to black children. Finds a way to write up a buzzfeed countdown on a slow day.

Hate me all day for siding with the big evil WHO but we have these quotes detailing their description of a gaming disorder followed by a company talking about how they want you to be glued to their game every minute of your day.

This isnt a mass shooting. Stop calling it a mass shooting until all the facts are out there. Mass shootings are planned. From the details I’ve read, this was definitely NOT planned. Unless your deadbeat god can turn back time with a prayer, keep’em to yourselves. We’re all just goin on to the next article like it

Do you even lore broh? Its most definitely not odd considering how much $$ ESO makes. There will be no canonical narrative in this game. Only scavs grinding endlessly for loot and trolls. Context will be diminished and if we’re lucky the next real fallout will do us a service by never mentioning the events of 76. The

Heather, i cannot agree more with this post. There are no adults working on this game. As far as I’m concerned the adults left when morality left the series. Would i like to mess around in the wasteland with a friend? Yup. But other than just surface stuff, i want nothing with any kind of shared experience. I’m a deep

The observation is correct that battle royale modes are the rising trend in gaming. The assumption that every title needs a BR mode is a costly one. Of all those who employ this trend in their works, how many, realistically, have an earnest shot at success?

Tim Schafer is correct. I’ve played a white male jock enough that it begins to feel like the action movie industry on repeat. I’d like to see something along the lines of mildly obese sexually open asian who isnt a hero through their comedy of errors but rather through their crafty indomitable spirit. Also more female

Monique, you’ve written good stuff. I like you’re work but you need rise up off that dick. You took an article about one the most liberal icons(for now) being taken to task on his silence(silence is acceptance) and decided to stan for him on some purely subjective personal shit. I get it, nobody likes their bias

I live in San Antonio so my favorite grocery store is HEB. Hands down, best place. Better food prices than Wal-Mart and always within reach. If ever in the southern portion of Texas, check out HEB.

Fuck lvl 3 helmets. They’re bulky, broken and hardly a factor. In solo, they mean nothing. Been one-shot killed with them on and done the same to other unfortunate players. On the flip side, trapping near drop crates will become a bigger deal.