
Mental Floss is like Cracked for grownups.

Upvote anything John Green.

One that's especially annoying:

Now playing

Here's 50! (Not all from movies) and they actually say them :D

If you want to play games THEN PLAY GAMES ON IT. If you don't care for the extra features then don't use them! If you want a non-internet gaming machine, go back to the 90s. You prick.

the ability to play games via a streaming services takes away from playing games? what.

Depiction of bad behavior does not constitute endorsement of said bad behavior.

I love your replies to haters here, Tim. They're so weird that the trolls don't even know how to reply. Haha. Respect.

Never change, tim rogers. You are my favorite Kotaku columnist by far. Next time you're in Bloomington let me know and I'll buy you lunch at the Owlery.

Here's one on the house Kotaku

Hey stock photo industry, it's a period, not the fucking Red Wedding

Holy crap, it works! It even plays the original Xbox's games! Here's a pick of me playing Halo 2 with my family:

"Make your Xbox One play Xbox 360 games with this one weird trick."

For everyone, no one was racing. It was an accident where he was letting people test drive his Porche for charity. So. No street racing as it claimed up there in the comments. Man, I hate I'm grey on Jezebel. Damn it.

"... a herd of 100 cats... "

This is what is wrong with society. Someone goes and compares making a video game easier to coddling children. Because video games are just like real life.

@BeefSupreme: I hate cat haters but regardless of how much better a place the world would be without you, I don't wish a fiery death up you.