
Why is no-one else mentioning this? By far the most drastic change is the switch from European Medieval type stuff to a feudal Japanese aesthetic. Samurai swords, Naginatas, etc, as well as Japanese style castles and towns (and the background music!) abounds.

Er, no. Slashing benefits and deporting folks WILL ruin lives. Not hyperbole, accurate representation of what this man represents and wishes to bring to Britain - and so why he deserves a strong response.

Black Rock Shooter.

I don't think "making it obviously dangerous" is the author handling it well - unless you think every Dragon Ball Z villain was "handled well" simply because they were so much more dangerous than the previous one.

It also doesn't help that Toriko did the exact same thing as the Dark Continent a couple of years before

I have read the whole thing and have been following it for over ten years, yes.

Some arcs have great progression between them - the Chimaera Ants and the following arc with Killua's family feel fantastic in the way they led to each other, explored the greater narrative (we had been teased stuff about his family for

The Dark Continent and everything (and everyone) associated with it had one teensy nugget of set up ever, not nearly enough to justify the fact that apparently the world is only a tiny piece of the world. You think someone would've mentioned it ever (which is a real strength of One Piece, that stuff that's globally

The story telling never feels organic in HxH to me because it wildly jumps around. That's not just me saying that "each arc is too different", it's about how much of the previous arc's content is so quickly abandoned like Togashi doesn't find it interesting any more, and then how little of each next arc is actually

Right, but in One Piece we had an idea of what the world looked like very early on. It's not like they took that world map and then suddenly went "Surprise! That's only 10% of the world (because we ran out of enemies on this part)"

There was no set up, no hints dropped, and no real evidence that Togashi actually

Completely agree with everything you said. If you like Berserk, though, have you read Vinland Saga? That series reads very much like Berserk's Golden Age arc for a long time.

MSN kinda felt like one of the first steps down a terrible road for anime and manga. It gets really uncomfortably paedo porny way too frequently.

Honestly Hunter X Hunter gets a lot worse than Naruto about it. Enemies and even entire geographic regions come out of nowhere, despite never being mentioned by those who really should have (or even people saying "He's the strongest in the world!" and then later talking about how he was weak in the grand scheme of

On One Piece? Not even slightly. One Piece spent its first decade slowly placing the pieces for the grander overarcing plot that it has been redeeming ever since. There's such a great and detail-heavy world now (far better realised and explained in detail than either of the other Big Three) that it's awesome that the

After Edge of Tomorrow, I could see Emily Blunt doing the role justice.

As someone who reads from China and doesn't always have a VPN handy, many thanks for typing them out!

As awesome as this looks, I wonder why they're showing it off now, without any playable version released, when a Nintendo order could shut this down in a flash. Seems smarter to wait until you have at least a playable version to release before even letting people know about it, honestly.

Strife is going all-out for non-English territories, it seems. Their Asian push has been pretty solid.

If you like any JRPGs at all, I think it would be hard to "hate Final Fantasy". Not because the series is inherently superior to all other comers, just because over the series' lifespan it's covered so many varieties of JRPG. If there's styles you don't like, it's almost definitely also covered styles you do, if

Somehow I doubt that prevents the creation of a sequel - it won't be the same team making the social game.

Still waiting on Dynasties: Total War

I guess all sorts of folks have all sorts of opinions. As I see it:
Enslaved is a wonderfully creative, if slightly flawed, action game that was mostly overlooked. Heavenly Sword was a bland, limited launch title that due to being so was overexposed and (by some ardent Sony diehards) overrated.
But given Enslaved's