Tom Gierach

If you want to interpret the tone of my writing as mad/angry, then go right ahead.

It wouldn't make much sense for any of these to affect body image, because they are not comparable. Sometimes, things are not comparable to one another. Thus, why attempt to make a comparison in the first place.

Obesity and being overweight only increase the risk of having other disorders such as type II diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, etc. There will always be anomalies. And just because there are no health problems at the present doesn't mean there will not be in the future.

Thyroid problems are a complication of anorexia nervosa.

Smokers - yes.
Alcoholics - yes.

We shouldn't be shaming women or men for being overweight when it's on the US government for allowing such unhealthy food to be sold to us in our grocery stores and to be given to kids to buy at school lunches. We have to stand up to the food industry. People are going to die so much younger than they should and that

She might not be the lead…

God's Not Dead is streaming on Amazon Prime Video. I want to try and watch the movie to see how long I can sit through it (though I won't since I have to read). Is it funny at all or just painful?

Relationships often don't make sense to an outsider. Karen has shown some great instability in the past. So, it makes sense she would be attracted to someone like Matt. She's also always trying to help people. Matt's hot and charming too.

Finished Season 2 of Daredevil. My thoughts:

The mistake Snyder and co. made with this version of Superman was his invincibility. While people complained about the lack of fight scenes in previous Superman films, making him basically invincible and having fight scenes is not very interesting.

Hopefully, some of the bands I like play after shows, because I'd rather support them more directly than go to a festival.

How small are the fish though? What gun are you using? And how deep is the water?

I haven't gone since Radiohead last headlined. Oddly, there are a lot of bands I like playing the festival this year. Apparently Radiohead just brings bands I like to the festival.

I did not buy Cathy's cave-in to Frank's threat. That was probably the low-point of the season. When Frank wins his battles, they should feel earned. This one didn't feel earned in the slightest.

Snyder could do an adaptation of Post-Exodus. Imagine it: all the bulls, goats, oxen, lambs, and birds trying outrun the Israelites from slaughtering them every time they commit a sin. One band of bulls will try their hardest to survive against the humans.

That's just how the show works. That's how basically every show works. The Wire is a case per season. The Soprano's is the same season over and over. Dexter had a villain each season. Breaking Bad had its: let's use fake science situation/how do we get out this deadly situation.

As long as the intro shot is Howard Roark doing a plank while nude on the edge of a cliff, I'm all in.

I did love the one difference in Let Me In of the boy seeing the picture of the old man as a boy setting in stone that he'd be her new caretaker.

Newline's worst ommission is taking out "There's no mirror here," from Twin Dragons.