Thomas Ella

I really like the idea of using it as a presentation tool as well. Chromebooks are so easy to carry around and so quick to boot that mine has already become my main computer since most of what I did can be accomplished solely in Chrome anyway. And yeah, I'd really like phone verification as the only way in ultimately,

No worries on the miscommunication; it happens. Hmm, interesting explanation, thanks. Seems like they could probably just offer a warning that says you can't actually turn on a laptop with remote access and just allow it when the laptop is engaged. I don't need it to turn on my Chromebook. That other user's example

Bah, yeah, that kind of sucks. That's my favorite part of the otherwise-pretty-mediocre Motorola Camera. I took a couple shots around my office just now as a comparison between the two and the new Google Camera already takes better pics, and yeah, that Lens Blur feature is super cool.

Good point.

Not all my files on there are in Google Drive. It has local storage for a reason too. But like 2burner2sdfsdf illustrated, there are still reasons why remote access can be super helpful. It could even be as simple as hooking your Chromebook up to your TV, then using your phone to remotely control it from your couch.

It specifically says in the app that it's not available for Chrome OS yet.

At the time I posted it, they hadn't added it yet, but the developers were super nice about it when I emailed them to suggest it. That feature got added like three weeks later.

Haven't been able to mess with it yet, but when using this on a Moto X, will I still be able to use the twist gesture or is that limited to the stock camera app?

Pretty lame that I can't do this with my Chromebook. You'd think Google would put their own operating system first.

What's the point of Lists if it's just Labels but not, forcing me to convert my entire system of email I built through smart filtering and labels to a marginally different system? Like, I use filters and labels to separate out stuff like online order receipts, bills, bank statements, etc.—stuff that doesn't need to be

This is why, when I first start using Twitter, I could never really get into it. There was that distinct "shouting into an empty room" feeling because I couldn't see that people had been replying to me and I wouldn't know for months because I never knew I had notifications. Now that I have a smartphone, it's easy to

The swipes system is cool but Gmail's one tap to select email and then one more tap to delete system is faster for bulk deleting, and it still lets you swipe to archive. The bummer for me using Mailbox is that it doesn't have drafts, doesn't supporting Gmail's starring, and doesn't support labels. I built my inbox

I came here to ask the same thing. I downloaded it and it seems like a good email client, but other than the snooze feature and swiping to delete, I just don't see how this is any improvement over Gmail. In Gmail you can swipe to archive, and deleting is two taps away. Again, no snooze feature, but I need more than

Yeah, there's something equally safe about being in a busy environment where you're relatively invisible. Lots of stuff happening in the background, but it'll stay in the background.

Fantastic post. I've definitely found that sticking to a schedule helps a lot. After a while, it's like my subconscious uses the off-time to come up with ideas, then during the scheduled time to write, those ideas come through. Not always easily, like you said, but they'll get there.

You have to put yourself out there and show your interest. You have to be willing to flirt a little, to show her that you like her as a potential relationship, not as a platonic friend to get together and debate whether Beyond the Boundary owes a debt to Devil Hunter Yoko and El Hazard. You have to take a risk because

I just did a quick search for "google now" on the page and it popped up immediately. If you're running the latest version of Chrome it should be pretty easy to find.

When it comes to expensive electronics, like my 55" TV, my soundbar, or my Chromebook, it makes no sense not to buy refurbished unless you've just got so much money lying around that you're considering shoveling it all into a furnace, in which case just pass it along to me.

Yeah, open chrome://flags and you can enable it manually.

I love trying out new keyboards, so I'll give this one a shot to see where it falls in the pantheon: Fleksy > SwiftKey > Swype > Google Keyboard.