Thomas Ella

Yep, making it my default as well. So glad you wrote about it. It's just so much better-looking than anything else out there. Minimalistic, attractive design combined with the smart functionality of the tabs system. Win-win. I looked at some other texting apps, but they all go for the same style. Hello has its own,

Here's the thing I've realized about this kind of stuff though: it rarely saves you *that* much time. For instance, I tried out a handful of faster task-switching apps for Android, even paid for several of them. Slide Launcher, Loopr, and one other. None of them are *that* much faster than just tapping the regular

So, wait, it's about tweeting stuff to do basic commands? Why would I do that? Have some consideration for your followers.

So far I'm loving this app. I really need to start playing around with other SMS apps though. All I've used so far is Messaging, then Hangouts. Facebook Messenger I won't count simply because it doesn't have SMS anymore, but it's hands-down my favorite because of the chat heads feature. But Hello so far is super

Nah, I think it's because the yellower light just puts less stress on your eyes, so you can stay up longer before your eyes start feeling really tired.

My name is David, and I made a simple web app called Jazz and Rain to help me relax and concentrate better when I was studying at school. It's a mobile- compatible site that plays smooth jazz over the soothing sound of rain in the background. You can control the volume of the jazz and rain separately and also just

How does this compare to Motorola Connect?

It's an article that should just be titled, "Be Aware Of Your Food Budget" and end there.

There is zero reason to ever use a debit card. Zero. Always use a credit card.

Eh, Shifu has turned out to be even more lackluster than Google Now. It's literally just "define a list of conditional tasks." That's it. It'll remind you of those tasks when you hit the condition, like connecting to a certain WiFi network or while on the phone with someone, but it's not giving you those tasks or

Frankly, this sounds like Google Now, except that my phone (Moto X) is so tightly integrated with Google Now that it might not be worth it. I'll try it out because Google Now isn't nearly the powerhouse, oh-god-is-this-how-Skynet-happens super assistant they make it out to be, but unfortunately it won't be able to

Haha I didn't even think about that while I was watching. Bravo.

Oh, yeah, I usually just sign up for any beta apps that are available. Chrome, Snapchat, Fleksy, SwiftKey, etc. I like being on the accelerated evolution of an app and watching it develop. I have no idea what other features are in the beta and not in the release version. Might be worth trying out the beta and seeing

That's an old version of Fleksy. Now that keyboard button literally just says "123" and will bring you to the standard dedicated alternate keyboard with numbers and stuff.

Take into account, then, that on my "older Mac" (a white 2008 Macbook that would definitely benefit from having a cleared memory) this "app" isn't even available because you have to have OS X 10.7 or higher. I don't even know that 10.7 and higher is even compatible on my Macbook. Right now I'm running Snow Leopard

Up until I got my Moto X last month, I was still using my original black Zune 30 from what, like 2005? Jeez. I loved that thing. I even bought an iPod Classic in 2008 because I was buying a Macbook for college, but after maybe a year, I couldn't stand it anymore and installed Windows as a virtual machine, which was

It's cool but the paper is way overpriced. It's like $3.49 for 25 sheets. I can buy a Mead notebook with 120 sheets for less than that.

I think it's more about cautioning average people not to get too reliant on a 7-minute workout or a 20-minute workout, thinking that it'll net you the same (or even similar) benefits as longer, more intense workouts, rather than assuming that these short workouts are at all targeted toward serious athletes.

I disabled Flow because I tended to swipe accidentally and it would read it as a Flow swipe, and also, you can't swipe left to delete when Flow is active, which is why I didn't even know that SwiftKey had that option and wasn't just a Fleksy innovation.

No, it just means that my chances of running into someone stupid increase greatly. I work with some of the dumbest people I've ever met (I wish you could've heard the new rules my boss laid down this morning, holy shit, or in general what one of our work study students says).