Thomas Ella

I guess you missed Gamescom. Also: the last several months of Vita software.

I still actually kind of like that one. Just totally "fuck it, OVERLOAD." Like this overwhelming praise from critics, big ad for bonus content, features like 3D. So much stuff, and yet it's all in keeping with the aesthetic. Sure, it's busy and cluttered, but that's what they're going for.

I wasn't trying to imply that you went out of your way to find it and spoil it for yourself; I'm simply making the argument that any foreshadowing or deeper meaning you pick up on because you already know how this all ends should probably just be reserved for subsequent playthroughs rather than the first one because

People always talk about how stuff hits harder when you know the ending, and cite studies that show people's enjoyment goes up when they knew the ending beforehand, but to me, that's all bull. Yeah, Dutch's speech hits harder when you know what the ending is going to be. But save that kind of revelation for a second

Just don't spoil stuff. You're game journalists and you're supposed to report all the news you get. Great. But use some common sense and don't spoil things for people who want to be surprised when they spend their hard-earned money on a game they may have been waiting years to play. I don't care if it's in the last

Oh man they had a really bad one about the Joker in Arkham City right in the goddamn headline.

I don't think they had an obligation to do any of those things you mentioned. They're telling a story first and foremost, not being a Guantanamo Bay simulator and a political statement. You didn't have a choice in whether or not Sam tortured the guy because you are not Sam. That's just who Sam is. He tortures people

I have a Macbook and a PC. I don't remember my system specs half the time for either, honestly, because neither is very good, but what's the point of a middleman system like Steam if it can't even just read my specs for me and instantly determine if I can run a game? Or even just let me input my specs manually and

What really annoys me about Steam is that it can't just tell me whether or not a game will run on my machine.

It's kind of crazy, when you stop and think about each feature they claim is new, how many of them are actually just recycled from past games. Like the berserk darts. Ezio had those, albeit not specifically as a blow dart. Just as a regular dart.

Wait, how did he barehanded deflect that first sword strike?

I can't unsee it now.

For some reason, I read your post and all I could think was, "Man, I wish GFW Radio was still around."

He should be fine, in time, and ready for another round of Lasik. Having a thick cornea is good for Lasik; it means you can have it done multiple times in your life. Richard apparently has a cornea so thick it actually prevented the laser from fully cutting through, which sounds more like the doctor's fault than the

Hey, I had Lasik a couple years ago. If you just had it last week, I'd try and avoid using something like the Oculus Rift for a little bit longer, especially if the surgery didn't go well. Your eyes are in a really weird state right now. But don't worry; once all this is over, you'll be so happy you got it done. I

Nah, he definitely hates Microsoft. That doesn't mean he won't put The Witness on there eventually, especially since Microsoft offers self-publishing now, but he definitely, definitely hates Microsoft.

Taking it on the PlayStation bus isn't the same as a real marketing push. There should have been commercials for it. They should have had a bundle where they packed it in with a PS3 and maybe even a Vita. I mean, it's a game with most of their huge mascots in it and could've done wonders for brand awareness for them.

It's just weird when they have their own mobile platform already that they're trying to push, and instead they release this on competitors' platforms. It's like if Nintendo decided to make a Mario game for the PS4.

By definition, classic.

Better question is why this isn't on PS Mobile.