Thomas Ella

Yeah but you said it would be some "horrible flop on PlayStation 4" because it doesn't have guaranteed camera control, which is just crazy. It already works fine without guaranteed camera control. I just don't get where you got the idea that Kinect is a necessary part of the Rift experience. I'd love to see Rift

Oh see now that would be a disaster. Telling people to move around while they're wearing a headset is a surefire way to get people to hurt themselves.

Far Cry 4: Jurassic Park.

Why would you need the Kinect to find the controller? Just put it on your lap, then put the headset on, then pick up the controller.

I'm the opposite. I ask myself whether that cup of coffee is worth more than a cheap game that I could get for the same price and play for hours. As a result, I own a lot of cheap games and rarely drink coffee.

This looks kind of interesting, but I really wish Airtight was able to make Dark Void II. The first one had so much potential.

I played the demo and honestly, HONESTLY thought it looked borderline PS2. Like not an exaggeration. Just flat out shocked that people think this game looks good. The cars look nice I guess but the environments are just TERRIBLE. Burnout Paradise was released in like 2008, rendered an entire city and countryside that

My biggest problem with the first game is that it was way, way too similar to Left 4 Dead and not nearly enough like Heat. In Heat, killing even a single cop was a big deal. That's why the big shootout that spilled into the streets mattered, but it seems like all anybody remembers is simply that a) there was a big

It's already a good movie. Watch Children of Men. It's almost the exact same plot.

I'm on my third PS3. It's still a really reliable machine by comparison though. I played the entire game in one 14-hour sitting, had the PS3 running the whole time, and it was fine. But yeah, hardware failures happen and they suck. I don't think I'll tolerate it as much next generation though.

You can play it on Vita via Remote Play already so they don't really need a straight port. I really like this bite-size version. I like that they're appreciably different with one being specifically catered to a portable system.

You can.

Because you can already play it on Vita via Remote Play.

I just meant that it's crazy to me that everybody is ganging up on you for not knowing what smoking pot is actually like. Like, yeah, I've smoked, so I know that it's not a hallucinogen like the Scarecrow stuff you're talking about, but still, the way everybody is jumping down your throat is so dumb and elitist.

The way that everybody is jumping all over you for not having smoked pot is ridiculous.

Yeah the Master Chief look-a-like is in the background on the right, watching.

I never finished the story mode of Grand Theft Auto IV. Hell, I only completed a handful of missions before the allure of an open world to play in distracted me from millions of dollars' worth of voice-acting and script-writing.

I know you were kidding, but I actually do wish that could've been left to surprise. Why rob people of the surprise of the absurdity of the last level? That's like if he casually threw in the bit about the Moon's part in Portal 2. It's just like... c'mon. Let me find this stuff out myself.

What? Ugh. I haven't played in a long time. That sounds terrible. The whole point was to be temporarily invincible, but extremely vulnerable when you pop out. I just remember so many people complaining about armor lock and how unbalanced it was. Can you at least still take out vehicles with it?

Amen, brother. Normally, I'm not a huge Halo fan, but Reach got me into it with two words: ARMOR. LOCK.