Thomas Ella

I'm not saying your experience was invalid or whatever; if you enjoy the challenge, you enjoy the challenge. I just don't ever really get the mindset to get the challenge first in a game like this. I'd rather play through it once to get the story on Normal, then if I'm looking for a challenge, I bump it up next

Why would you play on Hard then? That's what I don't get. So many people played this game on Hard and are now talking about how it was too hard. Well, you played on Hard. I played on Normal and it was pretty fun, but honestly, by the end, I felt like it was too hard and preventing me from experimenting with Vigors, so

Plus, it's not even just America. I have a friend who's in the Peace Corps and he's in Benin in Africa right now. He got a foot infection and was in the hospital for a bit and I was talking to him online about how much that must suck and he's like, "No, this is great! I have air conditioning and Internet in here! I'm

It's just like, what if you live in the mountains, in a rural area, or in a poorer part of the world where Internet connections aren't as common and they certainly aren't reliable 24/7. Sooooo... you're just locked out of playing games?

Yo, say what you will about those other games, but 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is barrels of fun.

Nah, it's because when you try to hold a PS3 controller like you'd hold a 360 controller, it doesn't work right. A lot of my friends who have 360s always complain the second they touch the controller and start slamming their thumbs together because they're trying to hold it like a 360 controller with their thumb

Fox Engine could use some work making realistic shadows, but other than that, it looks great.

Not a single person gets assassinated (or even mentioned as a target of assassination) in this, the trailer for the lastest game in the Assassin's Creed franchise.

I like a lot of this redesign, like the new comment box, the idea of blogs (you really need to embrace a community feel for that to work though, and I have no idea how to access community stuff—Tumblr tags are a great resource, ape that), etc., but I don't like how plain it looks, how the images are so big that I'm

Totally agree. I'm not going to buy the game even if they patch it over and over until it's mediocre or sometimes fun. After reading about how the development of this game actually went, I'm not going to support them at all.

It's not stupid to get your hopes up when they showed demos that looked awesome.

Eh, I hope the rest of the tiny games are more clever than that. There's not much point picking rock, paper, or scissors in this variant because they all fall under the same category in relation to hadoken and baby sloth, just with extra chances of losing because they still have to contend with each other. The beauty

Same here, but after watching my housemate go back to it recently, while it still rings all the nostalgia bells and looks fun, I can also see why a person might not be able to get into it. I guess almost 20 years of distance will do that.

I wish Kotaku let you favorite comments so I could favorite both of yours.

That is now my new favorite way to use that.

They need to send him to Derek Zoolander's Center For AI Who Can't Impersonate Good.

They're as similar as Battlefield and Call of Duty.

Ah, see that's great, actually. The American market is already oversaturated, but if you're catering specifically to the Scandinavian market, you're way better off. Keep it up!

True, but the server stuff making it next to impossible to play for a while makes your response extra funny.

With that response, now I wish I had said SimCity.