Thomas Ella

My bad. I played them both on PS3 first before I got my Vita, so I forgot that Sound Shapes was originally a Vita game only, and All-Stars was originally cross-platform too. They're both just great games, period.

Yeah but a lot of those games you're mentioning aren't good. I have a Vita, and I love the thing to death, but dude, Uncharted is unfathomably boring. WipEout 2048 is great but does not look "literally exactly" like WipEout HD. Call of Duty was godawful. Escape Plan is OK but not as good as we all wanted it to be. Etc.

Yeah but that's on you if you just skip to the end then. You aren't going to stop people from wanting to get the gist of a review just by removing the score. There's nothing inherently wrong with a score; it's just what people do with them that sucks sometimes. I don't think that means that scores should disappear.

Who cares if you hit a stupid continue screen? You start in the same place either way; PoP's system is just quicker, which I appreciated. It's the same thing in the recent Batman games during platforming. If you fall, Batman automatically grapnels back up at the last second. Doesn't mean there's no risk. Doesn't mean

Yeah but that would come through in the text too. Look at Destructoid's review of the first inFAMOUS game. They all complained that the game was too hard and didn't make you feel like a superhero, which sounds bad until you read that they all played it on Hard difficulty the first time through, which is ridiculous.

There's no difference between the PoP "hand comes out and resets you back a few platforms" and the standard "YOU ARE DEAD. CONTINUE?" screen that most games have, except that PoP's system is quicker. You still failed. You just don't have to sit through a condescending loading screen.

The majority of them aren't brown. A lot of them are white Aryan Nazis, a lot of them are white Russians, a lot of them are Japanese, etc. I'll assume by "brown" you mean Middle Eastern and African people. Those are actually the minority of dudes you shoot in Call of Duty games.

Wrong. Call of Duty makes a huge effort to show you why you're hunting the guys you're hunting. You get their backstory; you watch their crimes; you know what they did, how many people they killed, and why they killed them. And you're often playing as other nationalities than just Americans, all working together to

It's a whopping $1 per game you own, which can add up pretty quick. If you own like two VC games, oh well, it's two dollars, no big deal. If you own 10 or 20 or 30, that adds up. Save states and button mapping are standard on any other emulator. There's no reason to charge for that. Guys that make emulators for PC for

I agree with WolfRogers, but not with the tone. He makes a good point, that all the stuff you buy on PSN works anywhere. When you're talking about physical media, that's a different story. It's a huge headache trying to figure out how to validate people's physical copies in a manageable way (that also can't be

Must be nice having infinite money.

Some of us just don't like letting companies take advantage of us for no reason and it's not merely a question of whether or not we have the money. Weird, right?

HEY MAN. You're paying for new, innovative features, like save states and button mapping, that would cost upwards of $100 per game from $0NY or M$. Only glorious Nintendo gives you features like that. DUH, IDIOT.

My only question is how cool is the Miiverse integration. That's it. If it takes a fair amount of work to add that into old games, if they look appreciably better, that sort of thing, then... I don't know. It sucks, but it's understandable to charge a buck. It takes manpower to build that stuff. But if the Miiverse

Yeah, I hate poor people too. We should exclude them from more things. Let's go swimming in our money pools then laugh at hobos while wearing gold-plated top hats and canes.

Yep, it's true. We're just raised differently. It's not even that the workplace is sexist (thought that's obviously a problem too) it's that a lot of women just don't care about games, programming, and they're not wired to think that way. I was an English major in college, and let me tell you, there were way more

That's the ONE thing?

It's a shift, but just try to actively ignore achievements and trophies that look like time sinks for no real reward beyond getting the trophy. If it's not fun, don't do it. I used to care more about trophies, but now, it's just white noise. I still want to get as many as possible, but I'm not going out of my way in a

Final boss from Jumping Flash. Look it up. Oh my god. He shoots laser beams FROM HIS NIPPLES.

So is repeatedly calling him out for "deflecting" instead of having a genuine response, champ.