The three electric motors give you the ability to drive about 16 miles on the battery alone, using just the front axle. They can allegedly get the car up to speeds of 84 mph and you can only reverse in electric mode.
The three electric motors give you the ability to drive about 16 miles on the battery alone, using just the front axle. They can allegedly get the car up to speeds of 84 mph and you can only reverse in electric mode.
I don’t know who delivered the Rockets’ message
I think he’s saying that the writing of the show completely undermined the established stakes.
The full trade included Kolb, two timeouts and a challenge.
C’mon man! The Dream Team was awesome, not because of what they accomplished, but because of what they were; which was simply the greatest team ever assembled in the history of sports*.
Spreadsheets were designed for accounting in Sumeria in ~4000BC and they haven’t gotten any better. the one thing they are designed for, adding columns of numbers is not even accomplished because I can type/write/stylus into clay the word “rutabaga” instead of the number of jars of frankincense that I was supposed to.…
We can loop a damn satellite between saturn’s atmosphere and rings 22 straight times before intentionally crashing it into said atmosphere so that it doesn’t litter Saturn but we can’t figure out a better way to judge boxing and call balls and strikes. NASA needs to take over both of those and also pick the next…
Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.
First bad omen for the Patriots was when Andy somehow had all 3 timeouts for their end of first half drive.
You can’t be serious. The old Nokia candybar phones only had around about 24MHz processors and 1250 mAh batteries. With that kind of power-sipping, naturally long run time is a result. Of course, those old NiCd batteries were heavy and didn’t have very long lifespans before the charge capacity fell off a cliff. Those…
What’s he going to do, stare you down after he slaps a single up the middle?
Let’s say, hypothetically, I were to put the sugar in the tank of the sheriff’s car, and slash the deputy’s tires so they don’t get very far when they finally get the word that there’s a been a hold-up? Uh huh?
College football should be this way
I’m guessing a batted ball going 116mph, and only 7 feet AGL at 60.5 feet, wouldn’t make it 408 feet, let alone clear 9 feet.
Fun fact, last I checked Bradshaw still has the Louisiana High School javelin record.
Bradshaw is from Shreveport, which is significantly farther and different from New Orleans.
List of cars. Leaked.
Works at home too.