How does one get invites to send? Or do they just magically appear?
left a message, thanks!
For those of you that have European accounts, that account will transfer to the US... Just sign in and update your location. Worked beautifully for me...
Start the misidentification meme ... now
While I was there, our squadron (49th TES) was responsible for taking care of that one. It was pretty cool seeing some of the older aircraft sitting next to the SR71 they brought in a few years back.
I've always had a thing for vintage aircraft. While in the Air Force, I had the opportunity to clean up this bird that was (and still is) on display. After crawling around and scrubbing the B-47 inside and out, I was amazed how they managed to keep it serviceable during combat. They just look so complex and fragile.…
So I couldn't change the wrongly pasted URL from the previous post, so I will add this...
wrong one...
I am of the opinion that there are a lot of cars out there that would look better with an enlarged posterior
2nd: I am a proud supporter of this hatchback movement.. I am just hoping this trend will give the manufacturers some incentive to bring some European hot hatch zaniness to the US.
I'll have to disagree with you regarding the lack of cops on I49 south of Shreveport. The limit may be 75 now, but most jurisdictions no longer allow the typical 5 over. I was cited for 80 in DeSoto Parish and the enforcement gets heavier the farther south you go with well known speed traps in the town of Washington…
I submit for your approval Arkansas State Highway 549. This is the future location of Interstate 49 connecting Shreveport, LA with Texarkana, AR. When the interstate is complete it will connect I-30 in Arkansas with I-20 and, further south, I-10 in Louisiana - turning the road into a truck heavy bottleneck similar to…
What is amazing to me is the enormous regional fluctuations. I was in Memphis for the holiday weekend and I filled up before I headed back to Shreveport. The fuel I purchased there was so cheap ($3.19) I decided to take the long way home - driving south through Mississippi and cutting across 165 to Monroe and finally…