Thomas Nourse

1991 Eagle Talon TSi... It should have been a beast of a car with the AWD drive and the turbo and the what not. It was the first car I bought with my own money and the first car I drove after a self imposed 3 year driving hiatus.

Now playing

For a moment I love everything that I see, and think, and feel

@noursegod: You can't deny that the lancer's profile isn't just a tad bit sexier

@Maxis47: And then you can start listing the 5 door 3 as a poser car due to the number of asshats who will try to make you believe that it is a speed3.

@bacon117: Using this logic, you would have to throw in every car that has a hopped up big brother on steroids. Base model mustangs, standard Imprezas, the base model Focus, etc... Yes, the base model Lancers may attract a certain type of buyer, but for those of us that know we own a GTS (sportback, BTW) and not an

@Maxis47: As a proud owner of a GTS sportback, I humbly disagree that all Lancer owners are posers. I bought mine because it looked very good in black (the sportback that is - I'm not sure what it was, but the sedan did not do it for me) and it was surprising nimble. I don't pretend it is anything it is not, however.

@eatadonut: Its not necessarily what it is that bothers me, its what it represents - I saw a great many shining examples of 80s coolness being traded in for these large hunks of 90s practicality during my youth. I was a child of the 80s, but when these were popular many of my friends were getting new siblings and


I'd have to go with this and all of its siblings - shown here in the state you are most likely to find one - that of disrepair.

@luisthebeast: I prefer the gen5 in its natural habitat

My first car was an '87 Celica that I managed to roll out in the Ozark mountains. My mom decided to get my sister and I an Altima after the wreck - I could not convince her that that a Celica Turbo All-Trac was the better choice...

@Meat Robot, commenting apprentice: Knowing Mazda, picture the same car with larger wheels, RX-8 style wheel arches, and a big goofy grin on the front. I'd rather not...

@Joewithay: If its good enough for Tony Montana, it is certainly good enough for me

And I still love the Porshe's from the 80s

And this too if a certain movie hadn't ruined it for me...

Some more Mazda love

And those fine people in Miami think that a parking garage with NO walls is a good idea? Some people can't event manage to keep a car in a garage with walls.

Anybody who thinks they can control my radio and those who can't handle it when things get a little sideways in the truck.

I'll stay with the $3 per month of Grooveshark premium which includes mobile access... They recently updated their Android app and it is much improved over the previous version. They have it all... Local caching of your playlists, playlist building through desktop and mobile, a music discovery mode, etc.