Thomas The Wank Engine

>Makes American luxury relevant again

Try telling that to the shills at Gawker media though.

Fucking hell this truck looks fantastic, almost like something out of Prometheus

Oh, I’m sure that we could probably fly C-130's up and down the DMZ and they’d still be freaking out up there in the hermit kingdom.

If you’re going for spectacle, the B-1B has it in spades over the BUFF (and I like the BUFF!), and today, it’s a more versatile and effective platform, with a much lower per-hour operational cost, to boot.

Great, a B-52.

I recently left the magical world SAAB ownership after getting tempted to “the dark side” by an S60 T6 R-Design, in the limited edition red, no less.

Two wheel drive hybrid motorcycles, you say?

Reese’s can do nothing wrong. It’s the only mass-produced American chocolate product that can truly stand toe to toe with the Europeans.

Came here to correct, but you beat me too it.

I’m with you 1000% and then some!

Oh, I’m sure that Elmo’s mainstream marketability played a role as well, but I think that was partially a result of their earlier programming choices. He wasn’t the first character with major marketing ssuccess, as a kid of the late 80’s, I remember Big Bird, Kermit, Cookie Monster, and Ernie and Bert were also

I grew up in Boston, and was pretty close via family to some of the folks running WGBH, which has always kind of been the brain trust for all PBS programming in general. So I feel qualified to give a little background on how and why Elmo ruined Sesame Street.

The struggle is real.

I feel you. 29 and still on the family plan. My excuse is that I’m grandfathered into Verizon unlimited data, and pay $30 a month for it.

I used to hate them, like everyone else. But now, I think to how so few people are into cars and into getting their hands dirty with them to make them go fast, even compared to just 10 years ago.

No offense was meant there, I swear!

Speaking of Chinese luxury...

Once again, the answer, of course, is a Saab:
