Yup, it’s the most blatant total-reboot-that’s-not-called-a-reboot since Casino Royale.
Yup, it’s the most blatant total-reboot-that’s-not-called-a-reboot since Casino Royale.
So fucking true. The more I think about what JJ just did to the SW universe, the angrier I get.
I actually think that once the honeymoon period wears off, TFA will come to be seen as just as flawed as the prequels, if only in a different way.
Finn was a phenomenal character, even though his typical-JJ rushed development also bothered me (the “PTSD from watching his fellow stormtrooper die” bit was brilliant, his immediate bromance with the guy who shot him, less so, his total willingness to kill stormtroopers a day or two later with no signs of remorse…
I’ll give the bendy red magic homing lasers a pass because they looked cool, even if there was no precedent for them whatsoever in-universe (the way seeing lightsabers in Star Trek would be “cool”). Every other aspect of that scene (and starkiller base in general) was cringe-inducingly bad, especially the planets…
I love flying and reading about airplanes, I used to build/race cars, and I even have half a sense of flight mechanics. I could probably take apart an airplane or jet engine if I had to.
It’s much easier to take things apart than it is to put them back together and make them work once again. That’s mechanics 101.
Like I said, it’s lazy writing with little emphasis on exposition, relying on handwavium and forced suspension of disbelief.
This, this, a thousand times this.
All of the ways in which she is interesting are dependent on how her back story is fleshed out/how they decide to retcon her abilities.
There is some truth in what you are saying, I will at least give you that.
Eh, her Mary Sue-ness was extremely grating, and robbed many scenes of what might otherwise be opportunities for tension and a sense of real stakes. She was a walking plot device, in a film that might as well be renamed “Star Wars Episode VII: Attack of The Plot Devices”.
Where’s that gif of the Y-wing wrecking the TIE Interceptor from ROTJ...
To save money when building the already TV-grade sets and help bring the Mouse that much closer to making back those 4 B’s they spent on the franchise.
Because the marketing folks at Disney thought the original TIE, with a GI Joe-style second seat and turret tacked on, was more marketable than following Lucas’s well-established in-universe continuity.
Because JJ is a mannerist hack, and the Disney suits couldn’t care less about in-universe continuity.
How so?
It will be a crime if Fury Road doesn’t clean up at the Oscars.
As I said earlier: